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Lex Luthier

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Everything posted by Lex Luthier

  1. Does it look like poplar? Soft-ish, light pale color, probably with ugly green or gray streaks through it.
  2. Righto! I have actually started drawing bodies right onto the 1/4" MDF I use as the routing and tracing templates. I tend to figure out neck angle and stuff as I go along building. I use a long ruler for the center line, then a pencil and a good white eraser for mistakes. it takes me while to draw up a body, because all my bodies have been somewhat original, or variations of designs, I have to spend alot of time looking at the drawing from different angles and in the mirror even.
  3. I think it's another name for Poplar. I'm going there today to look at spray guns.
  4. This would probably be the smallest. It can most likely take a riser to doulbe the cutting capacity.
  5. To resaw a top you need about 7" of clearance. The Delta 10" was the smallest, cheapest bandsaw I knew of that could do that, but I think they discontiued it. This is why I'm just gonna go ahead and get the Delta 14" with riser, then I can resaw 12" thick!
  6. What do you mean by 10% of the roads? Can MACS not go on evry website or something?
  7. My tower is on a lower shelf just above the floor, so I tend to kick it when it's going mental.
  8. I did a small test piece a month or two ago of an alchohol based dye stain with polimerized tung oil over it. The dye blead into the oil a little, just like it does with lacquer. It didn't affect anything, except the rag I used to apply the oil got kinda burgundy. Looked nice actually.
  9. I made my first guitar, an acoustic, just before I turned 13. Looking back now it was total CRAP, but I thought it was great, and that's what kept me going. Give the kid time, if he sticks with guitar building he'll be selling them in a few years... trust me.
  10. Those things are called neck bolt ferrules.
  11. Yeah, yeah, I know - but I have no reputation behind me to command higher prices... yet.
  12. I found using bolts to hold it in the areas that are to be cut off worked well.
  13. It's not hard at all. Should say on the container. What I do is apply it with a piece of T-shirt. I like white cotton. Apply it heavily. Let it sit for 5 - 10 min, but that probably depends on your brand of finish. Then I rub off the excess. I then continue to rub and kinda buff/polish the surface with a clean piece of shirt. I then repeat after about 8hours, until I am happy.
  14. I was always wondering about those. I want mine to be "The Evil Luthier!"
  15. Bits with a positve rake on the cutter minimize tearout, so do spiral bits, which are what I'mthinking about using next time.
  16. This one. I had it on consignment at Act 1 Music since sometime in the summer, or maybe late spring. I think I started at $1200CDN first, then went down to $800CDN because I really wanted to sell it. The buyer has been making payments for a month or so, and finally paid it off and took it home yesterday. He plans on getting a Roland pickup system or something installed by the tech at Act 1 Music. The buyer also plays in a local band, so it'll be seen on stage.
  17. I do the router method. I've had tear out a few time, but I do it in one pass with a 2" long bit.
  18. It must mean $65 a board foot. That's still a HUGE piece though!
  19. That'swhat I do. I have like this file folder thing, you can probably get them at business stores, I mark each folder section with a grit number, and put each grit back in place once I'm finished. I used to do what soapbarstrat does, but it got out of hand.
  20. I can get 800grit, but I don't because I don't use it.
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