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Everything posted by www

  1. That would look in my collection! Excellent job, love the color and neck joint.
  2. Please let me know how it turns out, and your procedure.
  3. DRAK, you continue to be the MAN! This will help me greatly in my carriburst as I am a noob at finishing.
  4. I have heard the words drop top used as laminating a top on a body. Yes you helped DRAK, as always. Other than mating the two halves is the rest of the process harder than using a thicker board because the veneer has a tendency to split?
  5. Thanks Brian. It came out pretty good for a $350.00 guitar.
  6. If your asking about buiding one try:here and here Hope this helps
  7. I read here in the forum recently that veneer is harder to use for a drop top?? Does anyone have experience with both? I would assume veneer would be easier to form to the contours of the body! This is to help me get started on my carriburst.
  8. www


    Possibly wires reversed on out put jack??? Good Luck!
  9. This was done with a rattle can. I found out with light sanding I could blend the burst pretty good.
  10. I had very good luck with the MinWax spray polycrylic on my neck. It has not yellowed yet and is very tough. On the other hand, the polyurethane did have a yellow tint (vintage yellow) look to it. I used both of them on my Stratocopy in the GTOM section. The fabric on the guitar was blue and white and now it is a yellowish green.
  11. The neck plate pad goes between the body and the metal neck plate. I don't think they are absolutely necessary, but the will protect the finish on the body. I wish I had used them on my last Stratocopy! I had indentations on the finish due to pressure of the screws used to tighten the neck to the body. Hope this helps.
  12. CANUKGUITARIST "Wesley is GODDD to me!!!!" I resemble that remark.
  13. I agree! I felt like with all the other great guitars mine wouldn't get any votes, except my own. WOOOHOOO!
  14. Well, at least i'll get one vote. If I didn't vote for mine I'd have to go with Lex's Tele.
  15. This is what happens when you stay up too late. Gary Hoey is American, but he's still my favorite player lately.
  16. The ebony is plenty hard for fretless, but I think eventually there will be string marks indented on the wood. I don't really know that much though. I just really like the looks of the epoxy finish, and it doesn't look that hard to do!
  17. The super thin stuff would sink into the wood more, and harded it up more, rether then create a hardened layer sitting ontop the wood. I personally would prefer the fingerboard wooditself to be hardened up, not just have a layer the could eventually flake or wear off. Yew, I would use a saturation system epoxy. Also, the fret board is rediused now, so I would just sand the epoxy to do a final radius.
  18. Yeah, the dentist bits are great. They throw them away, yet they are still plenty good for use on wood.
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