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Everything posted by anderekel

  1. I would suggest you could use candy to burst it. You'd want a coat of clear and then do it. I'd suggest a touch up gun over an airbrush though, the larger nozzle will help keep it smoother. As for the guitar on the right, that's really cool, I like that...if it plays well you should keep it, but if you really want to get rid of it I might want it..... I really think you're getting too caught up in tone wood. While that's important, on an electric guitar there are soooo many more factors to sound. There's the electronics you use, the hardware you use, and then the amp that can completely change the sound of the guitar. Just something to think about.
  2. Dude, I'd say don't worry about the woods if it's just a guitar your modding for fun (unless you're planning on spending a lot of money the guitar). Maybe even don't be afraid to spend a little extra on better electronics and hardware, whenever you get/make a better guitar you can always switch stuff out. But as for worrying about woods, if the guitar's already made and staying together, you're fine.
  3. What they said. Either learn to use a handplane, my reccomendation, but I think they're fun lol. Otherwise save up and get a decent sized one.
  4. That's probably the easiest way to go, and messin' with already made guitars is fun too. Good luck when ya get to the project.
  5. I'm sorry to hear to that Daniel. My grandfather passed away a little over four years ago from cancer, had three different ones and decided it wasn't worth fighting that third one. It's really hard to see that, but just remember the good times and all that, sounds so cliche, but it's true.
  6. Ahhh, as for the black beauty, like everyone else said, you aren't gonna find that switch. If you want to do that one, I'd say use a regular switch for the neck and bridge pickups and a mini toggle for the middle, it won't look exactly the same but you could hide the switch under the pickguard like page did with his burst LP, or do a push/pull pot like the other's suggested.
  7. Yeah, for wiring in that thing I think it had four push pull pots that coil tapped each pickup and put them out of phase separately. I actually have something very similar to that on my guitar, just two switches instead. As far as I know, besides pickups and the two switches that page had on his actual one, apparently two actually, I doubt there's anything that's custom. Well, I guess he did shave down the neck a little bit, but I think that's it, at least in the bit of research that I did before.
  8. Maybe he means the odd wiring scheme on the original Jimmy Page les pauls? Those had a really funky wiring with different push pulls and whatnot. Otherwise maybe he's goin' for Page's actual guitar, then maybe the pickups? I know he switched them out a few times, just from video I've seen, so maybe some of them are custom. Can't really say for sure though.
  9. Sure it's possible. If you want it replicated exactly you may have to pay lots of money for custom stuff or learn to do it yourself, but it's possible to replicate any guitar if you're willing to take the time and spend the money.
  10. That's rather tempting, but I've already been spending a lot of money lately......but I could........
  11. Well, I would bet ya that your sander takes an 89" belt. Ya gotta think about the fact that the belt doesn't just go straight up and down, it goes over the drums, so there's gonna be a little extra length there.
  12. I'm talkin' to mike online right now, so I had to ask about ya. hehe He said you're a great guy and whatnot. I can't wait to see what he does on them.
  13. Well, I'd say that besides the fact that you built it backwards, it's a very nice, beautiful strat. I love the color with the pickguard. If it sounds better than it looks I'd say you made yourself a hell of a guitar, cause it really does look nice.
  14. Yeah, I'm with Eric, I would say just pony and up and go with the abm ones if that's what you want, or build your own bridge plate and buy the saddles. I like smaller string spacing though, so take it for what it's worth.
  15. Sharpie also makes a waterbased paint pen. I have a friend who's used them with auto clear on top of them and seems to work great, no running or smudging, I'd suggest giving them a try.
  16. That's really cool Pete. I think I have yet another project to work on lol. Is that an alembic bass? Looks like that's the fretless you mentioned before?
  17. Well, my thoughts would be A. you can't carve it very deep B. it would probably be difficult to see C. it would probably wear away
  18. I bet the antique danish oil would have a little bit of a tint to it, but if you don't mind that I'm sure it would be fine.
  19. Nope, no examples, just pulled it out of my ass lol And I do agree what everyone else said, but it sounded like you knew it was bad and would never be good at all, so I figured you had a handle on it
  20. First off no that's not weird, it's a zero fret. I have a twelve string acoustic with one as well I a know at least a couple people on here use them. As far as the back coming out, us an L brace, might look kinda cool. I mean, as you put it, it's a shitty guitar anyway, got nothin' to lose. You also might want to move the knobs and jack down a bit, just for looks and so you don't hit them when you're strumming.
  21. Hi Paul, I'm Derek (look in the middle of my screenname... ) and I'm a wood addict.... hehe
  22. Well if your goin' if we had extra cash, then I'd go with this....hehe http://www.grizzly.com/products/Radiusing-Sander/G0574
  23. Yep, I'm with you guys. I don't plan on cutting mine any time soon.
  24. One other thing is you might wanna run an extra 50 feet of hose from the compressor, then run a water trap, then run x amount of hose off that and use whatever. The extra 50 feet of hose is to make sure that the water vapor cools off enough to be caught in the trap. If you're painting (I don't think you said what you're using the compressor for, so I'm just guessin' and givin' general advice) water goin' through your lines can screw up your finish.
  25. I'm havin' fun doin' this. I looked at some of the ones on that site posted, changed it up a bit. How about this? I added the switches in instead of the three way too
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