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Everything posted by JohnnyG

  1. it looks to be a fairlly standard single or dual op-amp distortion circuit. admitedlly its fairlly nicelly put together but you may as well just make your own tbh
  2. what they put on it to get it burning won't really make much difference. as j789 said, just use lighter fuel and have a hendrix BBQ lol
  3. unfortunatelly ours cant cut metal. if it could id be having a bloody field day lol
  4. yo man if you're wanting to design your own sustainers then your imediatelly on my list of people i willhave to talk to lots lol. ive been thinking of having a go at it for a while welcome to the forum
  5. http://my.integritynet.com.au/purdic/ look about a third of the way down the page on the left hand side and you will see a set of tutorials on transistor amplifier design. the first two are the most useful imho since after that he goes off and talks about how to design it for radio frequencies. but the one explaining how to bias the transistor and then how to use emitter degeneration to lessen the gain is very useful. lots of sites have schematics and tutorials for making boosters. go to www.generalguitargadgets.com and look under the section called Boosters, also go to other sites in their links section hope thats useful
  6. We have a laser cad that can cut out 2D shapes in different plastics and we also have a CAD engraver that cuts out printed circuit boards. i actually spend more time playing with the latter. its so nice being able to make sweet circuit boards Spirit, yes i am thinking of a pre-amp styleethang wjem i say booster tho im going to build it myself. after all. if i can make my own custom pre-amp to my spec then whats the point in paying for it lol
  7. I have finally been able to send off the cheque for all the hardware im buying for my project guitar. the guy emailed me to say he's got it and everything should be with me sometime next week for those who dont remember, im making a strat copy by buying stuff mainlly off ebay. neck is a jim deacon and the body is a 3 piece alder squier face of headstock and entirety of body have been repainted and lacquered (tho lacquer coat isnt that great and there are a few sand throughs in the painting) the hardware is going to be entirelly black and im cutting a custom pickgaurd on the laser cad we have here at my school i'll also be putting some sort of a booster into it as well controlled by a switch on the pickgaurd i'll put pictures up when its done but i probablly wont enter it into GOTM since its just not goodenough lol
  8. wow thats pretty good. 100 bucks for rental of shop space is minimal btw tell me where it is and over my gap year ill give you a visit lol
  9. i have a friend who actually has on his health record "Died suddenly of unknown causes 1998" he only found out when he went for a medical test last year with the shop are we talking a general electronics type shoppe or just a guitar electronics shop?
  10. atm im living the good student life and am totally skint so i wont be getting anything too soon unless i can get it through my school. ill keep your offer in mind tho
  11. thanks for the advice guys lovekraft i can see what you mean about the wireless jobby and being a bit tricky to do but i at least want to have a go. i've sen the radioactive thing and it looks quite useful tho i wont use the distortion option on it. ill have a peruse over the WiFi chips as well i think that for the delay i'll go oldschool with ansils idea for the tape delay. (my dad tells me stories of when he was my age in a band and how he always ended up being the guy to repair the tape when it broke lol) ive seen the pt2399 and if i can find somewhere in the UK to get them i may have a go at hashing something together from it. ill also lok into the rebote chip many thanks guys. very useful. as soon as my mini muff is finished (cut down version of the big muff, more like a porn star stripe than a muff i suppose ) ill start playing around with some of these lol
  12. oh and imho only pussies use an auto wah. a real man controls his own wah lol
  13. buy seperate effects pedals unless you are going for some sort of big multi FX rack type jobbie. if you dont have enough cash to buy some of the FX you want, build them. fun, enjoyable and cheaper
  14. yes im now back and already asking questions. ansil is probablly the one who would know but other people are free to speak basically, what i want to know is thus. 1) i want to make myself a delay pedal, however im looking for something with quite a long delay, up to about a second and a half, and a set of BBD chips in series would lead to some nasty noise problems i suspect. so if anybody knows of a decent chip (probablly some digital processor doodad) that may be useful, could they tell me number 2) i want to know what sort of chips would be used in one of the wireless cable things. eg what sort of transmitter and reciever chiips are used many thanks
  15. Im not gonna e around very much for about the next month since im going home and my internet access there is minimal to non existant. im not too sure how many of you would notice im gone but id like to think that someone cares so ill just put this up here incase bai bai for awhile JG
  16. at the moment im bui8lding another small pedal which is basically just to use with the octave. i found that if i chucked it through my jack hammer then having the gain set above a certain level meant that i just got a slightlly different overdrive sound, not much octave to hear in it. basically i just decided to stick a booster based on the rangemaster and a single transistor overdrive circuit together. it should give enough overdrive to make the octave sound sweet without drowning it.
  17. ive got the MG15DFX and for what it is and how much i paid for it (£110) i think its a billiant beginner amp. ill agree that the distortion on it is pretty crap but then thats what i have my jack hammer for now i think that im just gonna build any more amps i want in future lol
  18. just go to www.generalguitargadgets.com and not only are there a huge load of schematics on there but there are loads more sites in the links section. seriouslly, just aboiut everything you could ever need is on that links page
  19. yesterday in an attempt to stave off my boredom on a saturday afternoon i decided i would build my own FX pedal. rummaged around in the electronics labs and found all the parts i needed to build the Green Ringer off General Guitar Gadgets sorted it all out, didnt have a foot switch so just used a micro switch instead. also found an old steel case and used the drills and sand blaster in the metal work department to turn it into a pretty decent enclosure. take it back to my room and plug it in.....and nothing lol turns out id forgotten to connect the output jack to ground. so... sorted it out today and it works a treat. very cool effect and im gonna be having a lot of fun with it. ive wanted to play around with an octave pedal for a while and this is definatelly filling in the slot i realise that this isnt an actually guitar but i thought ou guys would at least like to hear about it laters JG
  20. Damn it drak, not only are you a far superioir luthier compared to me but you kick my ass when it comes to the electronics as well lol those amps are sweeet lifes not fair
  21. lol nice but i think i prefer my striker. green with a flamed maple top and another quad rail humbucker in the neck
  22. mkay this looks pretty cool. those camera flash things can be pretty nasty, i remeber getting shocked by one and it actually burnt a little hole in the top few layers of skin on my finger
  23. what program are you using to simulate the circuit out of interest btw an average output from an electric guitar would be a sine wave with an amplitude of around 0.4 to 0.5 volts and an average frequency anywhere between about 400Hz and 3000Hz
  24. Im having a bit of trouble with the nut on my kramer striker to do with the strings sticking when i tune. the basic problem is that i have fairlly heavy gague strings on there (the fat three are 12 gague) and so when i tune they will stick at the nut. the one on there is a PVC jobbie and im wondering whether it would be alot easier and a good learning experience to change the nut to something a bit nicer rather than start going at it with a file. if i do decide to change it can anybody give me some info on how different nut materials would affect the sound and what i should go for cheers people
  25. for someone looking to buy a first time amp i would heartilly recomend the marshal MG series. if have the MG15DFX and its fairllyloud, has the headphone jack as well as clean/distortion channels and also has reverb, delay, chorus and flange built into it. the distortion on it is ok tho you may want to fork out a little bit of extra cash to get a distortion pedal of some sort
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