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Everything posted by renablistic

  1. I always use Photodeluxe which is easier than photoshop, or Paint.
  2. IDEA: put it under a few coats of clear coat? That way the clear coat acts as a window/glass payne? (sp?)
  3. never tried em, but i wanna try one out badly.. THEY LOOK SO COOL!!
  4. looks good. anyone else think i should buy a dremel?
  5. if it is anything like the recent "fat" series it is laminated alder. thats what the epi catalouge in my room says.
  6. I was thinking about buying a dremel (or dremel copy), a jewelers saw and whatever other tools i ned for inlaying, a few 2X4s, and a crap load of abalam or something, and practice inlaying for the next few months when I'll be starting my next project, and having some cool inlay on that beast. I think it's a groovy idea, what about you guys? also: where would i get a jeweler's saw, and what are the other tools I'll need, and where do i get them? The first few weeks I'll just practice using circles, then move to stars (both pre-cut from stewmac) then move up to a vine, and then design something super groovy (about 1/100 of LGM's skill/goodness) for the guitar. This guitar will either be a fretless tele, or fretless LP, or maybe fretted. Litchfield- Could I inlay a fret board, send it to you, you build the neck, and put on the fretboard, but leave the headstock un-cut? This is super pre-planning, but i like to plan a few months ahead.
  7. if you didn't realize: she also used 6 coats of brush on polyurethane on top of that tung oil/stain finish. which is scary. Wouldn't the poly have a hard time sticking to the tung oil?!?!?
  8. I've always had good luck with rubbing alcholol.
  9. I'll betcha 20 bucks she will, but you better be a good kid, suck up, and not screw around while in noprmal class, or she might take away your privelages!!
  10. actually i meant i can see the touch up easily, but that it's no probably as i know most people probably can't. I like it.
  11. off topic: are you really jewish? it's so funnukah, to celebrate Chanukkah!
  12. i think that's paint... but i love the design, got my props. Litchfield, it doesn't strike me as being super sexy. I'm not calling it ugly or bad, because it's very good, it's just i don't like it. I'm too truthful, eh?
  13. officially liscened product. actually the company only makes knock offs of the ernie ball kind. I THINK, not 100% sure that they are the squier to fender and epiphone to gibson of ernie ball, but i'm not 100% sure.
  14. i can see no prob, but I could see a mouse 1000 yards away. It looks great, i like it.
  15. litchfield has one!! It comes with the bod!!
  16. i was just an idea, but i like to be able to take off my strap without buttons and crap....
  17. I'm niot saying ibanez's are the BEST at the blues, they're just good at at, better than given credit for. And, hey! i have a 1966 Harmony Archtop Acoustic, too!! Harmony is my third favorite, right after Teisco and Ibanez, that is...
  18. that top does not look perfectly smooth. I say go over the top lightly with 800 or higher grit sandpaper (higher is better, if you can get it, but 800 will suffice, but you just need a few more clearcoats after the very light sanding) Just make sure it's nice and smooth, and you won't see the sanding lines. but i'm not sure if you sand up and down, or left and right with flameed maple, i've never used it... also: VERY NICE!!!! I say throw that guard to the curb!!
  19. http://guitarpartsdepot.com/Merchant2/merc...e=miscgtrbparts on that site there they sell bass string retainers ala fender p basses. these are MUCH wider than other regular strap buttons, so if you used one of these, wouldn't it get rid of the need of a strap lock? just an idea...
  20. i voted ibanez, but teisco has a place in my heart. Snork, you and i are twins or something. I mean, i love ibanezes, you do, i think prs are only sho guitars, and suck, and you do, we both realize Ibanez are a wroking man's guitar, and they have THE lowest action out there, and the nicest necks (wizards.....). And i've deducted a final one: We both play blues on our ibanezes. I mean, along with metal, but most people don't touch ibanezes with blues, but they (with stock pups) are blues monsters. IBANEZ!!!
  21. thats a great site, even has inkjet waterslide ones you can use for logos. (but of course ya gotta clear coat over em)
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