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Everything posted by bluespresence

  1. Not good Curtis......I hope they can fix that up for you. I started having problems with mine when I was a teen and they haven't been the same since. They know a lot more now so hopefully they can fix you up and get you back in the game. Good luck and enjoy the painkillers!!!
  2. Bald is Beautiful baby!!! At the first sign of mine going I shaved it all off. Now I have stubbles.....much better and a whole lot easier to take care of.
  3. I can relate to that! 2 knee surgeries, 1 appendix and one stomach repair (bad acid reflux) all in three years!! The appendix and stomach were in the last 3 months! I have more holes in my gut (8) than should be allowed by law I finished the tuition pains 2 years ago when I finally finished school. Then I quit my job and work at home....lot of good that schoolin' did me!
  4. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ You're the winner!! I don't know.....life seems to get better for me the older I get.
  5. Holy Crap! Click once and get two posts!!!
  6. I was just going to tell you to shut up and get a cup of coffee but I thought I'd be nice I switched to decaf after my surgery last month and I stay grumpy 'til noon now........yipee! PS: I figured you'd be the one to answer the "artist" question on #2.....(8x10 color glossy photos).......you ARE old if you know the answer to that one!! Here's another hint...."you can get anything you want".......
  7. Drak, no rudeness taken here..... I wasn't offering it up for him to do, I simply stated "I did that once using xyz". There are some big differences in what I did and what litch did as you inferred. 1. I used a product made for wood, not cupcakes. It was a solvent based stain designed and sold for use on wood. (solvent + pigment which is pretty much what you spray. In fact the label says you can spray it.....) 2. I did not write a 3 page tutorial saying this is THE way to do this. I did not include 8x10 color glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one.....(ok, name the artist now) 3. I am not and never have claimed to be an expert on this forum.... 4. My name is bluespresence, not blues custom guitars so there is no inference of any sort that I build and sell custom built guitars such as litch did. Well, I do sell them but not the ones I build....I think you know what I mean. Now, can't we all just get along??? BTW......granny-grams....I kind of like that! It sounds like grandma's stash.
  8. I did that once using pickling white stain. I just rubbed it on and wiped it off. The more I put on the less transparency the finish had. my only problem with it was I used it on mahogany and it ended up looking pink because of the mahogany. I think it would work better on a piece of ash or maple since you wouldn't have that reddish wood color trying to get through. I picked the can of stain up at Home Depot for about $3. It's called "Pickling White" and it used to be all the rage on kitchen cupboards.
  9. Congrats Derek!! I remember hitting that myself......it's a long road there!
  10. That would be Brian and the supporters. Please donate! I do every year by Paypal. Here's the link: PG Donation Page Once your donation is accepted (and Brian has time) the tag below your avatar will state "Donated in 200x". I'm still waiting on mine to be updated from 2004..........
  11. I agree....and let's hope it stays that way. FMIC buys Tacoma
  12. LOL.....I used to hold mine that way but found I made too many mistakes and cut too deep. I flip mine now so the wedge is against the wood. I can't pull as much wood but my mistakes and gouging have gone to near zero. No offense, I was really giving myself a hard time more so than you, but of course you didn't know that....
  13. LOL!! I meant the school district has been around over 100 years....it all made perfect sense to me Thanks for the comments! I'll keep at it and hopefully never have to go back to work for anyone else.
  14. Well, for those that have been following I hit a landmark today.....my goal last year was to sell 500 guitars. I hit the 500 mark much earlier than the end of the year and I just sold my 1001st guitar (counting last years)!! That's 275 for the year so far Some of you are part of that and I really appreciate the business! You're the one's keeping me at home working. I recently started another home biz just in case and to make up for those slow times, but its nice to know the plan is on schedule. Another GREAT thing happened today....the wife and I took the nephew to the regional solo & ensemble competition so he could do his drum thing in the competition.......he made state!! The FIRST junior high student in our district (over 100 years) to EVER make state!! He's 13 and the maddest, sickest drummer I know! His goal is to make a living playing drums and it looks like he's off to a great start. Keep Rockin' Steve ps: I need a drummer emoticon for this link too..............
  15. I don't see naked women but I still got a chubby looking at that quilt!! Nice work Derek!
  16. Looks great lee! Great attention to detail so far (except you're using the chisel upside down ) I agree that your wood does not look like imbuya.....I've had 2 imbuya basses. They were both dark, tight grained wood like a mix between mahogany (feel) and black walnut (color).........FWIW Your's looks like maple that has just started to spalt but is not soft yet. I lost a few maples here last year that looked very similar when I cut them up. They were still hard but had those beautiful stains running through them where the water had been seeping through the bark and starting the decay process prior to their demise..... Looking forward to more pics and progress.
  17. If it is under warranty your dealer should replace the neck. If it's not you can glue it up as jnewman described and you think it's within your skill level. If you think it's beyond your skills then just replace the neck if its a bolt on. You can find Epi LP bolt on necks all over ebay for a few bucks. You will pay less for a replacement neck than a shop will charge you to fix it.
  18. Keep Up The Good Work..............or in this case Great work I like the ovals but I have to agree it may detract from the overall look of a beautiful bass. My Ric fretless has black abalone dots and they are pretty much useless. You can't see them on the board when you do look down and you can't see them from more than 2 feet away so I never figured out the point of even having them. I'd go for the side markers that you can see or the offset thumbnail style like Gretsch uses on their guitars. I even like the Washburn offset oblongs that they make out of wood......maybe if you had some of that olive left you could inlay that since you're going for an epoxy job anyway. Here's what I mean: Washburn WD32S Inlay some nice wood in the fret spots.......just an idea
  19. 30 seconds on Google got me this: Guitar Express It looks like they took the link down but most of the info on it is on the first page there.
  20. and again, and again, and again........ Lots of triple posts here lately. Is the site acting goofy for everyone? I can't even log into it half the time anymore.... Anyway, back to the post. LK, it looks like they changed it a bit since I last visited. That's a good thing. The last one I was on was almost all text and the menus for info were buried deep. It was a big PITA so I never went back.
  21. Greg, go to Bart's site and check it out. It is one of the worst sites I have ever tried to navigate but the info is buried there.....problem is finding it. It took me hours last year to dig up any worthwhile info on there. I don't know if its better now or not because I haven't been back....
  22. I did three guitars using metal flake in cans (black, blue and purple) and had no problems. You have to keep the can shook up so the flake doesn't drop to the bottom, move wuick so you don't get spots with flake and spots without and clear the nozzle often by turning the can upside down and spraying it until it's clear. i kept two nozzles handy. After spraying for 2 minutes or so with one it would start to sputter so I pulled it, dropped it in a shot glass full of thinner and sprayed with a fresh nozzle. I repeated this until the guitar was done. When you are done with the metal flake DO NOT TOUCH the finish even after it is dry!!! You will knock the flake off and have spots. Cover the guitar with a clear finish that is compatible with the metal flake paint. I used nitro since my flake was solvent based. Here's a link: Purple P Bass Not a great pic but it shows it can be done with patience......
  23. A friend of mine bought the 30 and sent it back because the footswitch didn't work with that model - something he didn't see in the literature (it said footswitch works with ALL models). He bought the 60 and loves the sound but his opinion is the effects are not worth much. Overall he likes it and gives it a 7.5 or so. IMO it sounds great, very crunchy at times and very tight and jazzy at others, and I've never been a big fan of effects. BTW I play bass so my opinion ain't worth much I guess
  24. Typo or Freudian slip......."Strum"bles.....I thought it was on purpose! Welcome to the forum!
  25. Thanks hyunsu! Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration to many of us here!
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