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Everything posted by jimmyb

  1. i did not find it offensive at all. i dont even think there was a point bringing it up. anyway onto the topic, i voted for stop ******* around! i think you should finish that one and post more pics!!
  2. hmm im building an explorer, i mostly play metal....hmm, anyone know if these are any good
  3. try melleluka. im using it, just cut out my body this morning. It is quite heavy though but has great looks.
  4. have a go at building the neck from scratch. i was in your position until someone convinced me to build the neck.
  5. yep im interested in the mahogany but more importantly the bodies. yup if you could email some pics to tpember@bigpond.com Cheers
  6. u gotta love the EMG logo, makes the guitar looks better IMO!!!
  7. check this place out. its located in perth, western australia which is great for me! but prices are quite low so you may want to look into it. they sell everything from woods to hardware to books. http://www.monaro.com.au/guitars/pricelist laterz
  8. bluespresence: Your bass kicks ass! love the pickguard...got my vote....or mabye that JFC guys guit...hmmm
  9. hey dooder, just found these on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...6&category=7266 sharkfins made from shell. complete set of 10
  10. Yes you can buy a blank fretboard that has been preslotted, do the inlays then fret it. You can buy them from rhoads56 on this board.just give him a PM and he can set you up. (hope you dont mind perry!).
  11. lol thats kickass dude....the reserve hasnt been met so i dunno...but slap 2 emg81's in there. got yaself a Kirk Hammet sig!
  12. A Samick Flying V!! yeah second hand for like $200! Silvererchair(love em)DVD and cd set. clothes etc
  13. hey good work dude! yeh that jh-2 rocks...hetfield rocks........metallica rocks! anyway...where do you plan from getting the diamond plate from?
  14. jimmyb


    litch is this for the explorer neck with sharkys by any chance?
  15. have you drilled the holes yet? If you have just screw them in and voila
  16. hey its a wikid idea ...........BUT i dont know if you could pull it off. like as it was said before there would be a few people doing most of the work. Mabye a time limit or a few weeks or so before it has to be shipped off(finished or not) to the next location could solve that problem. Good Luck
  17. hey, at the moment im building an explorer. its kind of a gibson copy but with a 25.5 scale(like hetfields esp). i was thinking about putting Seymour Duncan Dimebucker in the bridge and a seymour duncan Jazz in the neck. i need opinions on these pickups please thanks in advance J.B
  18. no litch, he hasnt offered soo if you could give me a price(keeping in mind im from australia), could you please tell me. (ive also sent you a PM about this)
  19. i dont want to one off warmoth because i live in australia. i cant find any of ebay america or australia. is there any way i can buy a finished neck where i can cut out the headstock or something.....? help is greatly appreciated
  20. yo page...im in Perth, all the way in WA! yeh but dude if u cood help me out like that i wood be stoked ay! do u have msn? if u do we shood chat
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