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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. not a bad price, compared to the origional
  2. thats an acquired taste of guitar i suppose, lol. i dislike!
  3. the stock pickups are better than on alot of guitars ive played, the ESP LTD range for example have for worse pickups IMO. anyhow i have repleced my 320's pickups with EMG's!
  4. it also misses the floyd rose! cant have it without a floyd rose!!!
  5. the good ol rhodes V still has my vote! if it were done with a nice quilt top with abalone binding around the neck, sharkfin inlays, quilted headstock laminate matching body, EMG's..... im picky but for 2000 i have to be! nicec guitar anyway! mike
  6. yeh, i just got a large diaphragm MXL condensor, and it sounds good, im itching to record with it now! tip on vox, use a pop shield, these are great devices that get rid of a lot of sibilance and popping in the words! cya laters mike
  7. yeh, happy new year... dont forget the resolutions of which i have made none, cos i know i wont keep any!
  8. 6 years... waiting for more guitar books in the post from amazon, come on, hehe! only a week to go.....
  9. wow, cool job awesome job!!!!!!! im gonna be embarassed to enter my guitar (when i have it done) into guitar of the month, my first also! hey man enjoy playin the axe! it sure looks the part! mike
  10. i really dont know. there is tax on stuff i think, but i really must find out! id not mind the smaller wire for my next guitar, as the bigger gaps for fingers would be good at the high end, mine will have a few extra frets well i gotta sleep! cya mike
  11. still a bit of a distance thing!
  12. damn i live in northern ireland so i cant really take advantage of your offer, gawdamn! i wouldnt mind some stainless fretwire
  13. if i lived in america id probably buy some of that SS fretwire, but i dont
  14. yeh i remember the vibrato on the rg320 was good, but its awesome with a scalloped neck!!
  15. yeh i know, but the ibanez is stuck at 25.5, unnless i get a neck etc... but i may just tune to Eflat im still thinkin about this! brothers guitar seems to be around 24 5/8 i havent measured, but it sure feels slinkier
  16. thats what i thought! yeh i have 9's on my ibanez and 10's on my gibbo kit thing! i was thinkin of tryin 8's on the ibanez, but i would need to adjust intonation and bust strings more yadda yadda....
  17. you may call me a dumbass or whatever, but how/where do you vote for guitar of the month!!!
  18. im not being a prick, but arent 9's normal strings, i play 9-42's and they are quite light. ive played 11's etc... they are heavy! mike
  19. thats a pretty guitar ill put it on my to buy list, along with all the other stuff ill never get, lmao!
  20. on the string tension thing.... i think the floyd may be slacker feeling because when you bend the string the trem moves as well, the TOM bridge wont budge. btw Vai did try a 7 string with high A, but claimed it broke too often so used the low B. i had a design for an 8 string i drew on CAD, but i think ill stick to 6 strings atm! i wouldnt mind a 7 or 8 stringer sometime!
  21. the cushion plate thing dug into the finish of my kit guitar, but its not very noticible, so i say go for one.
  22. you're late, im later, lmao :DB) merry christmas and happy new year all! have a good one!
  23. MikeB


    your on your third year of guitar, and your playing paganini, wow!!! im impressed! petrucci's rock dicipline DVD is soo temptimg right now! im just gonna stick with this piece, and nail it! which reminds me, i should be practising now! ciao mike
  24. i think it would be interesting to see it restored.
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