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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. apparently i have a really stoned face, my mouth hangs open, and i have been known to dribble, lmao, only a few times tho!
  2. nice guitars! i have my walnut acclimitised for making my neck soon! itll be good i suspect, what a nicee wood! mike
  3. cool, matt bellamy uses something similar on his manson custom. donno if they are LSR's but apparently are better to fine tune with
  4. yea, its not far from meths, and tastes almost identical, lmao, just jokin!
  5. 150, brand new? i think this sounds better, but really its up to your preference of shape etc...
  6. speedy, you have 2 jem 7's!!!!!!! i so want a jem 7 of some type in the future! anyhow i saw a variac in my music store, being played by a prett who thought he was Kerry King, trying to tapp, and failing miserably, tho i wont pass remark any more. i think it would be interesting, but i dont think the variac is for me, it would be a good studio guitar probably. mike
  7. hmmm, im not too sure, i think nitro is quite sensitive to solvants, which the poly will have, to keep the spray in solution, this evaporates to leave finish, yadda yadda. ill ask dad, he'll know dad thinks the poly will eat away the nitro. sand the nitro off and do it with poly. mike
  8. i must agree with G because there is a hype around certain woods, and a predjudice against others. there are really exotic rare woods that sound bad, and some cheap, plentiful cheap woods that sound great. Parker has the right idea, experimenting with other materials. his guitars rock, and they are carbon fibre! i think construction, ie poorly or well built comes into play more often. i am going to experiment with different woods on my guitars, using relatively similar densities, and shrinkage factors etc... my super - super strat is being made out of pitch pine, which is very comparable to maple if im not mistaken. mike
  9. ill be doing my headstock in the not so distant future, and i think im leaning towards the PRS size, but i cant say for now. cut a big one, and keep makin it smaller till ya like it, usually better to have more than less to work with! mike
  10. 175 looks a bit high, id hit the pawn shops, or what id actually do, id buy wood and/or parts to build one.
  11. keep us updated with your guitar, i wanna see how it goes! im makin one atm, a super - superstrat, lmao! its a take on the rg320, but carved top, comfier! its a comfy guitar body atm... reminds me, must pester dad to saw me up some of the walnut for the neck mike
  12. try meths or naptha (lighter fluid) try onb an inconspicuous spot first! mike
  13. i phrased that badly! the nitro gives a great glassy finish but checks (miniture cracks) not it gives a good finish because it checks!! its too late! mike
  14. im just gonna state a few facts about both, cos im not sure i could tell them apart, however have a read anyway! nitro lacquer checks and gives a very high gloss, very glassy finish. it is hard also, but more brittle than poly. poly withstands water better, and doesnt age or yellow like nitro does. hope this helps mike
  15. hi i was wondering if anyone could help me, i want to add a binding to the neck im gonna make, probably a white binding or whatever, but i have no cluse how to do it. i know how to bind a body, but what about the frets etc... thanks in advance ciao mike
  16. im on my first build from scratch, using only 1 pickup, and was wondering about placement too, havent got anything yet, so im gonna check those sites. cya mike
  17. hey i used the tunomatic on my kit lp, and it was angles, i think its to do with intonation perhaps, anyhow good wee bridge! ciao mike
  18. that auto tuner is huge!! interesting, but no floyd version, lol
  19. MikeB


    i think perservation will be the key to this piece!
  20. MikeB


    when i got my ibanez the first day i played for 9 hours, 2nd day 7, 3rd day 6 lol, then it crept to about 4 steadily. played for about 1hr today, just went to see lord of the rings gr8 film!!
  21. MikeB


    yeah, the malmsteen versions are great i think ill give the 5th caprice of his a go soon ish. i play stuff at their full speed while learning because i want to learn it quicker, a habbit i got into, but am gettin out of now, its slower learning like this. my bro plays everything at full whack to sound fast but the amount of mistakes... its funny!! the metronome is brutal! i have previously tried recording my practises with a metronome, ad it really helps, also tried to get bro to do it, when he had recorded he was like it must be the metronome is wrong!! i laughed! mike
  22. MikeB


    just do it, thats a plan, get the mind set right and play. im gonna try something i rarely do. play it slowly first and build speed i think this is my worst attribute as a player, i try to play things at full speed first time round. thanks alot man cheers mike
  23. that would be cool, the promo thing, also the solo thing would also be cool! ill brush up on the ol chops, lol... mike
  24. it looks kinda like a DOD pedal, but id have to hear it to judge it, PS i want the malmsteen DOD overdrive/preamp pedal mike
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