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9of7 X 3of2

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Everything posted by 9of7 X 3of2

  1. If it is pre-raduised, would it be easy to re-radius it? I.E. if it comes as a 12" radius, and I need it to be 16"?????
  2. I might as well ask this before some one else does,....got any pics??
  3. I'm hanging around the house watching movies, I never go out on "amature night". Back when i used to, something stupid allways happened
  4. I drive a 4 cylinder Chevy s-10 that cant even get out of its own way. Thankfully it has a manual transmission, otherwise I would really hate the thing
  5. The thing that gets me, if your going to do a guitar themed after a cartoon, do something that will sell, like dragonball Z or robotech. Something with a cult like following.
  6. I had to vote nill, as I have yet to build one, and I didnt think customizine fine Korean craftmenship would count
  7. HUH?....................WHAT?........................???
  8. I didnt even realize I was slamming snork,.......Bonus
  9. I would give my left testicle to own this guitar http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=47074 Well not really
  10. Decisions,Decisions,Decisions,Decisions,Decisions, had to go with Lex, for no other reason than that headstock is so damn cool!!
  11. One thing I allways wondered; inlay seems to be pretty thin for the most part, how does one avoid "dremel-ing" too deep? Is that just a practice thing? Does anyone do inlay with exacto knives and very tiny chisels?
  12. I'm at this delima as well. I spent hours upon hours at Sears, Home Depot, and Lowes, and I still cant tell what is what. All I know is they are expensive, so I'm going to get one at a pawn shop, that way if its no good I'm out 20$ as supposed to 80 - 100$
  13. Yes, go to page 2 of "tools and shop talk" its the second topic from the top. Great info if your looking to get into this sort of thing
  14. They do certainly look cool, but it seems they would be a bit weird to play. Theres a great tutiorail, in the main section, if you want to try "them out so badly" But I'm sure you know its there
  15. A friend of mine refers to that sort of thing as "polishing a turd" As far as finish goes; as your doing the assembly, Im sure the guitar will tell you how it wants to be finished, you just have to listen closely.
  16. Hey, I never claimed the vocalist was any good, this thread is about female shredders, not really terrible death metal vocalist that should not be allowed near a microphone
  17. I'm not sure if you checked or not, but there is a very cool thread on the next page about the duplicarver. And I think your question is pre-answered there For 10 dollars, I cant see you getting a lot of use out of this before it dies. And the size of it makes me thinks it might lack enough power for clean crisp cuts. But for 10$ give it a try, and post how the thing worked for ya.
  18. I know of one. I used to jam with her boyfriend, Rob (me on bass), but it didnt work out. I still talk to Rob, and last we chatted, he wanted me to hook up with her for some brutality with a side order of chaos (me on drums). Click on this link... http://www.ancestorheavymetal.com/Ancestor19982.html The mp3's nor the photo do her any justice. The Mp3's are very poor quality, but you can sort of tell whats going on, and they represent her ability from a few years back. And she's a hell of a lot sexier in real life than in the picture too.
  19. Yeah they suck, but for a begging guitar palyer working at Mcdonalds, its a gift from god. And for someone like me that wants a cheapo' warlock just to trace, measure, and some day try a simular stunt as the guy at the custom shop that made the guitar in that auction, it is also a gift from god
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