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Everything posted by jefm

  1. Coax could be good...but it's big and doesn't offer as many places to connect leads....and also doesn't offer the quick snap in fit.... At this point I'm arguing over a moot point....depending on how much room I have I'll likely go with RJ-11....I don't think I could convince myself that I'd get enough of a benefit to bother.....if I had 50 ft of wire in my guitar though...then we'd be talking
  2. Well....I don't think you're wrong greg....I just don't understand what you're saying In short the difference is that Sweep picking is a technique and an arpeggio is a musical element Arpeggios as far as guitars are concerned are usually just chords that are played one note at a time....it is a musical element and has nothing to do with guitar...you can play arpeggios on any instrument Sweep Picking is a technique unique to guitars... It's usually used to play arpeggios and can be done a lot quicker than usual....basically you fret the note as you pick it then lift off and mute the string as you hit the next....it takes forever to master....especially if your fingers are all out of order on the chord... yeah...reading that again...I said pretty much the same thing...ummm...go with whatever is easier to read Ummm example Arpeggio: http://www.realtimerecords.com/articles/ARPEGGIO%20101.htm I can't think of one for sweep picking...you almost have to see it done...it's nuts
  3. Looks a little like a tie dye with a burst... and from the name I gather irredescent paint
  4. Gibson has the color range on their site
  5. It's not that it's not possible....it's just not as easy as with conventional tuners... it's made more for fine tuning...basically you pop the string in and it's almost in tune already...then you just adjust it
  6. Good for making quick string changes....not so hot for changing the tuning
  7. That McDonalds Straw idea sounds awesome....shelded and it doesn't catch on bits of wood.... The Network cable I was looking to take advantage of the twisted pairs....I know it's bigger and I know it's overkill....the RJ11 would probably work ok.....actually since nothing ever moves about any connector would work...I was just looking for convenience...it just seems cooler to plug something in like that...not like anyone would see it...but meh...also cleaner too....rather than having a bunch of leads a little plug and an already neatly wrapped wire.....but the twisted pairs are twisted at different pitches to avoid "crosstalk" I imagine this would affect the dynamics of the sound....but for as short a distance and at the levels it'd be used at it likely wouldn't be much....meh who knows Silver wire though...never thought about it...bad if you build for a werewolf I suppose...so you mean stranded silver???
  8. jefm

    Drop D

    Wellll..... you could wind conventional pickups so that it could be done....like have a seperate coil for the E string and one for the rest....it'd be a custom job though...but it could be done...never used anything like that myself....but there was a site with a humbucker that was basically 6 tiny humbuckers....one for each string.... I don't know...but if you wanted it tuned only to drop D and have no adjustment then you could probably make a pretty small circuit for it It probably wouldn't sound as good as the real thing
  9. Well I was thinking of wiring some RJ45 connectors and using some network cable for some short runs from the PU's...mostly to make changing PU's easier...
  10. The weight is what I like best about the SG...and those cool horns :-) I have a couple friends with LP's...the play alright I prefer the SG...
  11. Depends on how you want it to look and what you have and what your budget is... you could get a router....it'll be quicker and look better... or you could do the job with a drill and a chisel...or even whittle things out with a knife (that could actually look really cool on the right guitar)
  12. Hmmm...on the same subject...what about twisted pairs... In networking cable it helps prevent interference...I guess with a mono signal it's not important...but I have had in the back of my mind this idea for using Sheilded twisted pair cable...probably a dumb idea though
  13. Blood dries a brown to black color ..It may also depend on if the blood is coming or going to the lungs....the oxygen in the blood would likely affect it....that is speculation though.... Further speculation....If you were able to do this and seal it in a vacuum it'd likely work out for you... but I'd go with the mix a little blood in...as long as it doesn't have some awful reaction to the paint it should be good... here's some more speculation....Mixing it with a clear would probably work...if you had the right blood to clear ratio it hopefully would keep it in suspension and also not let it dry out???
  14. If it's the same as mine then it has the one wire pickups You can keep the PU in the ring if you want...just unscrew the 4 screws at the corners and leave the short side ones alone... Then you unsolder the wires for ground and the hot side from the main circuitry... you should be able to pull the wires through the holes routed for them... if you want to remove the main electronics you should be able to without desoldering...unless you want to leave the knobs and jack where they are...Oh and there's a groundwire that goes to the bridge...watch for that too.... Ummm....I think that's good...I wasn't looking at my guitar while writing that...it's from memory...that and I'm assuming yours is the same The wiring on them looks like it was done by an 8 year old...you're probably better to take it all apart and put it back together anyway....Oh...and the volume knobs probably do that anoying thing in the middle position where either acts as a master volume and you can't quite balance them...now is a great time to fix that Oh and desoldering all you've gotta do is get the soldering iron hot enough to melt the solder...then touch it to what you want to disconnect...the solder becomes liquid pretty quick and then the wire will almost fall off itself...don't put heat on too long...it can damage some components...as soon as it's liquid should be good... Cleaning the parts of solder you can get braid or one of those pnumatic deals...or do what I do....it makes a mess and you don't want to do it for some things but guitar parts should be ok.......heat the solder then tap the part on the table...the solder will fall to the table...like I said...makes a mess...splashes molten solder everywhere...and doesn't clean it off as well (gotta check for shorts)...but it's quick and not as cumbersome...molten solder hurts...so if you're not lazy you likely won't want to be like me Soldering is a little trickier....it's good if you can wrap the wires around the junction first...then you heat the junction while touching the solder to it (don't heat the solder and wipe it on with the iron....yes it works but does a poor job and looks like it was done by an 8 year old) once the junction is hot enough the solder will almost leap into it and fill it connecting everything...it takes a bit of practice... Anyway...that should about do it....oh wait....you likely wont have transistors in your guitar...but if you do be really careful with the soldering and desoldering...I've fried a few by leaving the heat to long...they're a little sensitive to it
  15. All the ratings are metric... so you'd have a normal farad...(or other unit of measurement) and then you have deci,centi,milli,micro,pico...and on into really small then there's the other direction... deca,...,kilo,mega,giga,tera ect...into really really big I forget what the 100 magnitude is...it's not used often though...
  16. Sure...you can get breaks under the insulation...stranded wire it can happen to but it's less of a concern...one breaks the rest are there... also if you knick the solid wires it decreases the performance somewhat (increased capacitance or resistance...I can't quite remember???) It's a concern of course with stranded as well but it seems to stand up to it better... but yes...solid is easier to strip...but if you tin the wire properly it's just as easy with stranded....just takes practice in a guitar either should be fine
  17. jefm

    Mad Guitar

    Hmmm...nice scallop job... A little deeper than I'd have went though
  18. Another note on sound It takes a while to find the "sweet" spots on your amp and your volume and tone on your guitar....once you find those the new pickup will bring euphoria Even after several months finding a new sound that you didn't think you could get is really nice
  19. Fishbake's tutorial is pretty good too.... He did a carved LP http://europa.spaceports.com/~fishbake/lpc/cvr/cover.htm
  20. I doodle....I usually start with a design in mind...then it looks bad on paper...then I toy with it till it doesn't suck anymore...then I take my french curves and clean everything up Also if you're looking to be inspired.....draw blobby shapes and weird curvy squiggles and even just circles until something catches your eye... Don't waste time on them at this stage...just put down every stupid thing that comes to mind....screw it up even...who cares it's just thumbnails...then you can develop the ones you like more later...
  21. A guitar made out of a live cow....Hmmmmmmm
  22. Masking works pretty well.... If you want camo to look more camo you wouldn't want it shiny...you could get by using a rattle can or even a brush and some semi gloss mismatch paint from walmart (did a boat like that) That probably wouldn't make the guitar look to sexy though... The more colors you add the less bold the look will be....as well the more intricate the pattern the less bold it will be.... As was mentioned you can always grab camo material from any fabric store
  23. A while ago I saw something about painting a PRS body onto a cheap tele then painting the extra black and wearing black clothes and play with dim lights...that made me laugh
  24. Cool stuff on those magnets... Definately share the results of the expiriments with us
  25. Actually as weird as it sounds... Try hard to play something in a practice...then take a break...a couple hours...a couple days...find a time when you're relaxed and can crank it up and play just to hear it sound good... Do a quick warmup until you feel comfortable..then find the section that was giving you trouble and give it hell If you play and keep screwing up you'll get frustrated and tense and end up getting worse and worse...when you relax music just falls out of your hands with no effort there's days when I have a lot on my mind when I can barely do warmup stuff...those days I usually don't bother with more...there's days where I'm in a groove and can play things that I couldn't even attempt normally
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