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All along the watchtower


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ok I was wondering if somebody here can play or has played all along the watchtower (one of Jimi's best next to purple haze and voodoo child :D )

Do you play chords or signle notes and is there a trick behind it??

and how did you learn it?

I would love to learn it but all the tabs that i find don't really fit with how the song actually sounds!

I know Purple haze ,hey joe but it seems this song is really much more difficult!!

since this is the only real guitar forum I know, I tought I'd ask you guys

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Theres definately a trick...it really involves learning how Jimi played guitar. He managed to handle both rhythm and lead duties...which helped fatten a 3-piece band up.

If you have a strat, use your thumb for the root notes in the verses. There is a 12-string played in the background of that song, but I have played it live alot without that second guitar. I guess if you have the tabs, and can't figure out why it doesn't sound right, either the tabs are wrong, or you can't read tabs :D

Like LGM said, its a fairly easy song...at least to get the notes down. Getting the vibe and swing to it takes time, but nothing a decent guitarist couldn't figure out over the weekend!

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it's not a tough song to play, and he might have done it ok, but it's just to bad he didn't write it, I'm a Dylan fan, I'll still take Dylan's version (the original) over Jimi's anyday :D

Wow.. I never knew you liked Bob Dylan, I though I was the only one left in the world.. lol He's one of the best lyric writers of our time. I have just about everything he did on CD. Personally favorite is Blood On The Tracks... Jimi Hendrix played an awesome version of it with some of his best guitar work ever, but like LGM said it was and still is a Bob Dylan song in my book. And I'm a huge Jimi Hendrix fan also..

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If you have a strat, use your thumb for the root notes in the verses. There is a 12-string played in the background of that song, but I have played it live alot without that second guitar. I guess if you have the tabs, and can't figure out why it doesn't sound right, either the tabs are wrong, or you can't read tabs

I don't have a strat ,

I have probably the worst combination for playing that song : an epiphone LP and a roland cube 30 .

I can get the right sound out of it so thats no problem aldo it shure has a fatter neck!

I found another tab wich is much better so i guess the first one just sucks

ANd i found a live version of the song where he definatly plays chords instead of single notes.

I don't really know Bob Dylan , its probably a shame ,but I guess it might be the age difference.Aldo I just love the lyric he has written for allong the watchtower!

PS I only play for about 8 months now so its probably more difficult to you then it is for me!

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I'm a Dylan fan too.

Ikke_998, Hendrix is about song writing.. so is Dylan. Check out some of his stuff. You'll love the songs, probably not the singing...

One of the best All along the watchtower versions I've ever heard is by Michael de Jong... on an acoustic.. it'll rock your nuts up your ass!

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Wow LMG, I have never heard anyone say that this was an ok song. I personally think its the best cover song ever. That opening riff... Wakes you up. I think that dylans version is ok, but jimi is off the richter scale, like all of his other stuff...

I am a huge jimi fan so...

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I just got a few cables and I've put a DS-1 disortion before a dunlop standard wah and thats supposed to be the right setting for a jmi hendrix sound but i must say The sound just seems much to smooth there aint enough crunch in it!

Maybe I should buy a fuzzbox!

anyways Jimi RuLe'Z big time!!

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