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Carriburst This Gotm?

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Wouldn't be a contest with just one entry now would it?

Seriously if there were a couple to vote on I'd be more then happy to give the winner some exposure along side the regular GOTM entry's for January on the home page, there is no rule saying there can't be more then one, and it would qualify but the deadline is quickly approaching for the vote off.

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Maybe we should throw up a thread in the announcement section asking any Carrie entrants to post their intentions to enter to see how many are really out there, and if it's really worth the bother?

I have no Carrie. :D

I feel guilty (sort of)


I'll know better next time to not make no steenkin' contest a year long! :D

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If my dad didn't get laid off a year ago I would have definately entered. I had a blank ready for routing and a list of all the parts I needed to order. But the worst happened and we had to move into a 1Bedroom/1Bathroom apartment and put our entire wood shop and all of our tools in storage. :D It was such a cool idea, it's a shame to see the whole contest go to waste. B)

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