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Here is a live version of the sample song (Impressive Hair) we filmed on the weekend. The guitar isnt the same, but the song written on/for it is... if you know what i mean. Apologies for the sound quality, i didnt have an external mic, and it is youtube :D

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Is this that amp you were teasing us with minimal info about a bit ago?

If so then it sounds about as good as any amp possibly could via youtube

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Ok, for the record:

I HAVE NEVER EVER BEEN HAPPY WITH THE STAIN BLACK AND SAND BACK IDEA. It kills the grain. Sure, it enhances the flame/quilt, but kills the 'movement' of the figuring when reflecting light.

For this guitar, i started (as always) with some good clean well figured maple. Costs more than 'average' figuring, but the results speak for themselves.

Wet the top... just a damp rag (damp, not soaking) will do... Let it dry. Sand it to 400 grit. Leave it for an hour or so. Repeat. Repeat. This process lifts the grain.


Put the sandpaper away.

Leave it overnight to make sure its perfectly dry.

i then added a slight stain... one drop of brown, one drop of yellow, 1/4 cup of thinners (spirits, water, alcohol, whatever works with your stains). This doesnt kill the stain, just even so slightly soaks in to the grain. Note the dried areas compared to the wet areas, and you'll see just how much (or little) this stage adds to the look when its done (see the edges of the top).


Rub the excess stain off immediately with a clean rag. This stage wont have any excess, but do it anyway.

I havent sanded ANYTHING yet.

i stained it straight blue. Rub the excess stain off immediately with a clean rag.


I havent sanded ANYTHING yet.

Then i stain it yellow. Rub the excess stain off immediately with a clean rag.


I havent sanded ANYTHING yet.

Then i hit it with a very thinned lacquer/sealer/etc depending on the job (this one was two pack).

Light scuffing with some sand paper, to give the next coat a bond. Spray with a 'normal' coat (thinned to manufacturers spec), wait to dry, repeat until flat and no grain shows in the surface (second full coat with two pack).

Add light green burst, via green tinted and very thinned lacquer.


Light scuffing with some sand paper, to give the next coat a bond. Spray with a 'normal' coat. Repeat until you are happy, flat sand with 2000grit only (1500g if there is a trouble spot, eg: a small run, dust in the lacquer surface, etc, then go back to 2000g). Machine buff with medium grit compound on foam pad, then fine. Machine buff with polish/swirl remover on foam pad (use a new pad). Machine buff with lambswool pad.

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Perry, thanks a million for taking the time to post that description. That answers all of my questions. I really appreciate it. You make some of the hottest guitars man!

EDIT: I actually thought of two questions while I was reading your post over again. 1. Is the green better, or deeper by mixing blue and then yellow dye, as opposed to using just a green dye to start with? 2. Is the light green colored area in the center of the guitar the part that you bursted with a tinted lacquer?

Thanks again


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This is the first time I have seen this thread and I must say, that guitar is beautiful. Your work is always an inspiration. I have one simple question, how do you apply your stain; spray, wipe on, brush on? Or is that all part of the special secret finishing process?

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This is the first time I have seen this thread and I must say, that guitar is beautiful. Your work is always an inspiration. I have one simple question, how do you apply your stain; spray, wipe on, brush on? Or is that all part of the special secret finishing process?

uhhhhh he just explained that a few posts up :D

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I wipe it on with a rag, wipe it off immediately with a clean rag. Sometimes i dampen the stain, or clean rag with the appropriate thinner (acetone, water, spirits, etc) depending on the finish i want, the level of figuring, and the depth of colour desired.

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