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8-string Bass, Neck Through

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I won't lie. When I first started reading this thread I didn't really like the bass design. But now that its all coming together I really can't wait to see this baby finished! Keep up the great work, and that headstock is insane! :D

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Finally i have some pictures for everyone to see. I think everyone is wondering where this project will end up. Got alot of the body carving done and some work on the "lattice" mahogany overlay. I am routing the truss-rod channel at the moment and will have the fretboard glued on this afternoon. Here comes the photos...


Here you can see me getting the ash top notched out for the truss-rod access. Then glueing the ash down. You can see the three woods of the body sandwiched together in the one shot.


In these pictures you can see the back of the body being rolled over with the router. I will probably end up putting a hip-rest kind of dip in the back. The router saved alot of work especially in the corners of the horns.


These are shots of me carving the top with my Die Grinder. I put a drum sanding bit in it. This worked so well and fast. I was really happy with the way it came out. I didn't finish the sanding yet, because the mahogany top has to be fitted then sanded into. I also took a moment to ponder my next attack...


I went ahead and traced the design onto my two pieces of mahogany. Then i drilled holes to allow acces to the inside cuts. I ended up using my die grinder again for most of this work. I will use a coping or scroll saw to get the small straight cuts.


Here is all the progress that i could make with the die grinder. These inside cuts have to pretty darn good because the will remain hard as you see them in the pictures. This top is going to give me a really cool contrast of woods and textures. I really wanted something happening everywhere. The mahogany top will give it a muscular look. What do you guys think so far...

I will keep you all posted of course. Am working as we speek but my camera batteries are dead right now.

One PIC per post, you have been here for a while so you know!!!

Edited by Maiden69
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Got the fretboard glued on last night. That thing was a pain in the arse. It was sliding all over the place as the glue worked out. Finally got it locked in though. I'll post some more pics later this week...

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Got the fretboard glued on last night. That thing was a pain in the arse. It was sliding all over the place as the glue worked out. Finally got it locked in though. I'll post some more pics later this week...

Next time, take a few of those small brad nails (I think thats what their called), nail it down into the wood just enough for it to stay, chop off the top, and clamp down the fretboard. The nails will keep the board from sliding while it is being glued up.

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  • 10 months later...

Man its good to back!

I missed the forum since i was gone for the last 9 months. In that time i have relocated to a new wood-shop. This one, how ever, is lcoated in Southern Oregon! Getting from Maryland to Oregon but it was a blast. I have finally got myself a house with a place to make sawdust and i have jumped back into the Dr Suess Project once more.

I have spent the last week or so shaping the neck and beginning the finish sanding/shaping for all of the backside. Been using some 150 grit sandpaper to take out the router burns on the Ash. Below is a shot of the heel almost finished up. You can see all the different woods coming togoether there, exactly what I was going for.



I am a little concerned about the headstock being able to handle all the extra string pull. I assumed that if I made the headstock kinda beefy it would be alright. Recently, however, I have seen a few guitars that actually had a reinforced headstock; and it got me thinking. Any input?



Won't be long and i'll be wiring her up and punding frets in. Whoo BoY! Can't wait...

Edited by Maiden69
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jesus!...moses and god!!!

that is amazing!!!

that needs some chrome hardware and a pickguard and a black gloss finish


what will the finish and hardware be on this thing?

its a monster!

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I am a sucker for natural finishes. I spent alot of time planning this and I wanted the wood to speak for itself. All the layered pieces are going to make this thing shine. BUt yeah, no stain just a nice clear finish.

See the previous posts to see the Headstock hardware (black) and the bridge is chrome. All the Knobs are basic gnurled black. I have a an active pre-amp for this because i was not sure how to approach the broad range of sound that an 8-string will have. I went with some p-bass staggered pickups (Passive) to help spread out the pickups and i figured with an active preamp i could boost anything i could want. 8-strings have much more high-end, as you might imagine, then say a standard bass would. I am totally anxious to see what it sounds like in the end.

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Holy cow...that's looking awesome. I'm just following all of this right now, this is the first time i've seen this whole project and it's amazing watching it come together. Like most I was curious about the shapes of the body and headstock at first but once u started carving them I was completely sold on the design, looks fantastic. Love that carved look, especially great for bass. Well done all around.

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Someone asked for more on the Mahogany top piece. I had made alot of progress on that and never posted an pictures. Here is what i got to today...


I went ahead and seprated the two-piece top so I could make my final inside cuts. I clamped it down and went to work with some small files and 150 grit.


Had to get at it from a couple angles. This side of the top was fairly easy becasue the cut-out area is much larger, therefore more space to work.


I was pretty nervous making this cut. The 1/8 inch thick mahogany was chattering and i thought it might snap off.


I got i though...

I think this half looks kinda like a duck head!

So i finshed sanding all the inside parts of this half. One run through with 220 grit, and it'll ready to be glued down. I figure i'll finish up the other half, glue it down and sand down the outside eadges so they blend into the existing angle.

Edited by Maiden69
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If you have the space and the cash, yeah, bandsaw, lovely. If you don't, you can build plenty (about 9 in my case) of guitars without one.

Yeah bandsaws are over rated (id love one but not for the money :D ) its funny how jig and scrollsaws are "taboo" around here.

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If you have the space and the cash, yeah, bandsaw, lovely. If you don't, you can build plenty (about 9 in my case) of guitars without one.

Yeah bandsaws are over rated (id love one but not for the money :D ) its funny how jig and scrollsaws are "taboo" around here.

Oh, I dunno about overrated. The moment I got a shop (officially, all goes as planned, keys are handed over tomorrow), first thing I did was spend out on a nice, big bandsaw. Going to cost me about 1000 bucks, and worth every single penny.

But for a lot of things, it's the best tool, but not an essential tool.

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I was pretty nervous making this cut. The 1/8 inch thick mahogany was chattering and i thought it might snap off.

I got i though...

Did you make the cut with the jigsaw with the wood clamped up like in this photo?


Just clamp where you're making the cut in the wood closer to the bench, or clamp it so the cut is running alongside the bench rathere than towards it, or clamp against some scrap and cut through that as well. You might have the move the clamp to finish cutting, but that much wood being unsupported is why it was chattering. I *have* had wood snap off trying to make an unsupported cut like that with a jigsaw. It's a bummer.

But man, this thing is looking very nice!

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  • 10 months later...

Been cranking away on the bass the last 2 months and i wanted to post some progress.

Progress? Well this project is going on 2 years in the works now. Its amazing how hard it can be to keep focused on something. The end is in sight though! Yay!

Here are some shots of what Suess looks like now...



The mahogany overlay has been glued on. The pickup cavities are routed, as well as the wiring tunnels. I've drilled the holes for the pots and the electronics cavity and battery cavity have been routed out as well.

Front side overlay and pickup cavities

Backside cavities

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Here is "Seuss" with her frets pounded in...


And here are some more "in progress" shots...

Fretwork - in progress 1

Fretwork - In progress 2

I'm going to file down the overhangs and then onto finish sanding and finishing,,,

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