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Sweet, Another Feature! :-p

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My pride, my respect, and my love for America. I love the USA, and I believe that it is the USA who provides the blanket of freedom we sleep under each and every night. All countries have their problems, but I can't imagine a better neighbor to have than the United States of America. I respect the soldiers who fight to protect not only their own nation, but ours as well, risking their lives so that we can continue to live freely.

Jeremy you said that better than most of us here in the States could have.....

Beautiful ride!! Got me all teary eyed this morning too.....in a good way.


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I respect the soldiers who fight to protect not only their own nation, but ours as well, risking their lives so that we can continue to live freely.

I must say THANKS!

I just got back from a small tour in the Pentagon, were I got to meet the Sergeant Mayor of the Army, SMA Preston. He took his time to talk to us about whatever issues we presented him, Mid way on it, we went into a small room dedicated to all the fallen comrades that died on 9-11 in the Pentagon, well you should know how that felt! After that and me feeling so proud of our job, we walk close to the windows and the guide points out and said"Do you see that area! Thats were we have every monday anti-military demonstrations.

Then we walk into a hall way dedicated to the USO that have quotes from all the entertainer that have been into the combat areas bringing Us a little bit of home when we are away, that I saw this quote.

"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press.

It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate.

It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag."

—Father Dennis Edward O'Brien, Sergeant, USMarineCorps

Just a nice statement, by a soldier! Here is the site I found it, just in case anybody cares.

Once again, Thank You Jeremy!

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Youre a Canadian whos greatest love is America?! I thought you guys hated us?

Nah, Canadians who hate the US, same as American's who hate Canada are just the uninformed minority who scream the loudest. Plus, you have to consider Canada is stuck with yet another idiot liberal leader and that's never done us any good in the past, go figure........

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