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My Third Guitar: A Tele Thinline Style

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Hello all, it´s been a while since my last post; I have previously built a Lp copy and a SG neckthrough guitar:



I built this one thinking on building three kind of guitars, a set neck, a neckthrough and a bolt-on neck, kinda like a study where I get to learn about different kind of construction and setups.

This one have a one-block mahogany body (it´s a cheap tonewood here in my country, and its easy to get) and a maple/rosewood neck that belonged from a Squier. The hardware is 1 Stewmac Golden Age single and 1 Stewmac G.A. humbucker, 1 1 tone, 1 volume and 1 miniswitch for the humbucker (to go from humbucker to single coil) and a fixed bridge. Almost all of the hardware came from Stewmac. The finish is nitro on the neck and poly on the body.

I have to say I´m very happy with this guitar, I think it´s the best I built and I feel like I have learned a lot from building the three guitars. I know it´s not a unique design but I wanted to learn from the masters first and then try to improve what I´ve learned. I would love to hear your input, cheers.









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Alberto, another beautiful guitar. That SG of yours is still one of my favorites, but this tele is really good. Clean.

How does it sound with that one-piece mahogany body and the StewMac HB? I don't know anything about that pickup. I bet a Duncan JB would sound great in that rig.


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Thanks for the kind words guys, well I´ll see if I put in it for the GOTM, but really, everytime I put a guitar there somebody else puts a really cool one :D Oh well, I think I´m gonna jump in.

Thanks John, yeah, that SG sounds really cool with the JB and the Jazz in the neck (like you I think those pickups sound great on a mahogany body), my goal was trying to make the cheapest guitar I could and I can say that I acomplished that. Both pickups sound really good, I can´t complain; in fact I´m very happy, very clear and articulate. And the shape of the pickguard came for the thinline Tele orgmorg, in case you were wondered. Cheers


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If you don't enter that guitar, I am going to start a write-in campaign. That is right up my alley. Simple, stark, uncomplicated and well done, I must say. I cannot imagine being able to get wood like that so easily. Green eye of jealousy appears at the end of this reply.

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Albertop--when are you going to work on your own design?

I was Just thinking That same Thing!! :D

Albertob That Is One great finish Do you have any more plans for an LP

copy at all?



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Thanks boys, I also love my "girls", I played them everyday, that´s the most important thing.

I sure want to build my own design, just wanted to finish this "Guitar Building 101" kind of thing I had going and now I feel ready to give it a shot.

Here is extremely difficult to get figured wood like in the States, I´m doing a research in rainforest tonewoods, here in Peru there are a lot of different woods (the Amazon is right here :D ) but I don´t now yet what would work. I remember the Gibson Rainforest line, probably I use something like that. The piece of mahogany for the Tele cost me $20 and is top quality. I would love to build a LP kind Matt, but this time I'd like to use maple for the top; just to learn how to carve that wood, sadly I can´t get that wood around here.

Hey jay5, I have some in progress pics, I´ll post them pretty soon, I promise.

Well now I´m gonna enter the GOTM, whish me luck!

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Here are some pics I took of the process:

Here´s one when I finish to route the body and the pickups cavities, notice that I route deeper the holes, that´s because I have a back problem and I can´t stand a lot of weight in my shoulders for a long time


This pic shows the neckplate, I also made this from scratch. I use a piece of stainless steel a friend gave me; it was triangular so I decided to build a three-bolt neck joint. It´s pretty stabble, I was afraid of a weak neck joint but it holds on nicely.


And finally the headstock after the modification; the neck was from a Squier Stratocaster so I adapted it to become similar to the Tele headstock. It´s not exactly the same but it´s close enough I guess.


If you want more pics just ask, I have a couple more, cheers


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Albertop - excellent work :D - i like the SG and The LP aswell

that les paul is a brilliant job for your first guitar - i would have only done one more thing - put binding on it bottom and top 5ply and neck

i love this tele it is beautiful, excellent craftsmanship B)


Edited by ZoSo_Spencer
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

alberto, soy de buenos aires, argentina, y mi proximo proyecto es armar una tele thiline, bastante similar a la tuya. dicho sea de paso, quiero felcitarte por tremenda viola, ioncreible la facilidad que tenes para esto.

Te queria prguntar como hiciste para sacar los moldes de las guitarras, y si los trasncribiste a algun material, como fuera acrilico o cartulina.

Desde ya, muchas gracias, y saludos. cuqlquier cosa, te dejo mi mail: juan_zoom@yahoo.com

un abrazo


For all of you that dont speak spanish, im telling alberto, how cool is his guitar, and that i am fromo buenos aires argentina, and my next project is gonna be a tele 69 thinline like his, but with hollow body, and the f on the front.

c ya


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