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Hi everybody!

My name's Pete, and I'm just getting into building guitars after over 30 years of playing. I've spent some time reading through the posts here and know I have a lot to learn, and have done already.

So far all I've done is replace some pickups and installed custom switching options, but I've recently picked up some cheap bodies/necks from ebay, the idea being that I can learn how everything fits together and how it works, experiment with some body reshaping and finishing, without it making too huge a dent in my wallet. I do, however, want to build from scratch, but I'll learn to walk before running.

I currently live in England, where I am a, single and b, poor. But soon to move to the USA where I will be a, married and b, a lot richer!!

I hope someday to be able to contribute something useful to the forum, but in the meantime I will read, learn, and build!!

Pete :D

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Matt, I just figured out that you do that spelling stuff on purpose. You are one funny dude! :D

Welcome, Pete, and stay out of Wes's way. He loves to crunch him some newbies! Just don't take it personal. We are trying to get psycotherapy insurance for ALL the mods. :D

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Welcome, Pete, and stay out of Wes's way. He loves to crunch him some newbies!

you got me all wrong,man....

this newb is doing it all right so far...he states that he has already read through a bunch of old topics(hopefully he will do more reading),he says he wants to walk before running(this means maybe we won't have to hear)

"hey dudes...i want to build a guitar out of steel,aluminum,and purpleheart,i want it to be 4" thick for tonal purposes,i want it to be shaped like a les paul with a 36"  scale,be tuned to F#,have a fretwave system,good balance,and weigh 2 pounds at the most,so i may have to make it completely hollow and skip the truss rod so that i can make the neck hollow as well...can i use pine for the neck and will this be alot of work?

oh..and do you think i should add custom inlays...maybe l.e.ds?"

and he shows that he has the courtesy to introduce himself without claiming to know everything...AND his name is not "pete'scustomgutars"

i think he will do fine

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Thanks for the warm welcome!!

Been reading some great threads.... Iceman and Aluminium guitars. Hmmm... Aluminium Iceman anybody??


Still reading!! :D

Pete :D

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Thanks for the warm welcome!!

Been reading some great threads.... Iceman and Aluminium guitars. Hmmm... Aluminium Iceman anybody??


Still reading!! :D

Pete :D

i like to sometimes go ALL THE WAY BACK to the first pages of solidbody chat and read backwards...there is alot of truly great info from back then....when most every answer was from experience and not hearsay

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