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Neck-thru Question...


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I know it would help, I was just wondering if there was some specific technique of doing this that I was not aware of.

I know it would be easier to not run into the fretboard with my saw if I cut them out beforehand, but whatever... I think I'll partially cut the shape out. I'll update my thread, too... :D


Edited by Lietuvis
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On my bass 5 I did not cut out the body shape first, but then again I had a bandsaw with a 14" throat so it wasn't a problem. But on my next neck-thru, I will.

Make sure you're happy with the body shape, trace the shape on each of the wings, then try to cut out each wing in a single pass on the bandsaw (or jigsaw, whatever) without slicing the offcuts in half. Then you can use the offcuts as clamping cauls if you trim a little off the side that will be facing toward the neck blank. Gives you a flat edge for the clamps to grab onto.

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/\/\/\ that's basically what I'm going to do...

erik, that sounds like a good idea, too. I would use that if I had limited space, but I have a hand jig-saw, so I'll be able to do more of the shaping once I've got the sides glued on...

Thanks for all the input! This has definitely helped me decide what to do...

Edited by Lietuvis
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