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Staining Lacewood


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I need some help!

I am building my first guitar, a copy of a Les Paul. Body and neck Brazilian Mahogany, capping is Lacewood.

I want to stain the Lacewood and possibly the Mahogany with some water based Analine Dyes which I purchased from LMII. I have seen Lacewood stained bright green and also bright blue on some manufacturers sites (US Masters Guitar Works being one) and I wondered if anyone out there could explain to me how this is done.

I have been experimenting with scrap pieces of Lacewood and the color comes out much darker. I appreciate that Lacewood is not tremendously light in color to start with, as compared to the likes of North American Maple.

I live in Oz and I was hoping not to have to bleach the Lacewood as I'm not sure if there is anything available here to do it. :D

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I built a kitchen last summer and used lacewood for the face frames. It stained about as easily as oak. I've used a lot of it and have never had much trouble with staining.

If you're getting too dark a result you either need to thin down your stain, use a less heavy hand applying it, or both. The ground wood willl get dark but the rays, these are the "fish scales", should stay a lot lighter. You can also hit it with really fine sandpaper or Scothbrite and tanke some of the color back out of the rays.

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I looked at the US Masters website. All the guitars they have listed are just dye wiped over lacewood, or dye added into the finish, hard to tell with their pics.

If your dye is too dark, then dilute your dye down.

You can also put the dye into your clearcoats, mix the dye into your lacquer, that's another way to do it. Just finish the lacewood in clear, and add the color to the additional topcoats.

Edited to add...I'm sure you already know this, but you can't dye wood to be any lighter than it already is naturally, you can only go darker unless you bleach it first.

I wouldn't be surprised if they are bleaching their wood first, because red wiped over lacewood will give you reddish brown, and their bodies look very red, so I'll take a guess that they are indeed bleaching -some- of them first. I could be wrong, you will need to experiment a little I think, to find the color you want.

ESPECIALLY any blues or purples, I would really bet they're bleaching those, you don't wipe blue dye over a brown wood and expect to see a nice blue finish, it doesn't work like that. You can't overcome the color of the wood itself by dying alone, you can only add to it.

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can lacewood be finished like a flame maple??  ie... stain dark.... sand back.... and then stain again????

Sorry mate,

I'm still trying to suss things out myself

You could experiment on a piece of scrap to see if you can get what your looking for, but bear in mind that lacewood and maple in their natural states dont look the same, colour or texture wise.

dayvo :D

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can lacewood be finished like a flame maple?? ie... stain dark.... sand back.... and then stain again????

Yes it can, and that's the way I did mine. :D

Red over black seemed to work best for me, no bleaching required.

If you're going to do any shade of blue, then you will have to bleach it (my opinion/experience only)

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