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Electric Guitar Build Help Needed

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Well... you're going to have to be a little more specific than that bud. What are you having trouble with? Details, details, details!

Neck shape esp. headstock and profile, profile good for fast playing and cool headstock(I like the RG headstock)

Humbucker cavity dimensions, correct diameters for necks screws and pots.

I actually have been handed free stuff from a member on another site who used to have 20 guitars but now has only 9. He sent me everything he doesn't need anymore. It should be in my mailbox soon.

Edited by PunkRockerLuke
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Luke, you are going to have trouble getting answers to such broad questions. What type and model humbucker? What type and style neck? On what type body? The pots have to be matched to the pickup(s) and control setup you want to end up with. Read some of the tutorials and do some searches until you have all these issues decided. Then we can help.

Help ROCKS! :D

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I'm a beginner and I need help on making a neck for fast playing and I need help making cavitys for humbuckers and neck screw diameters for the neck heel and neck pocket.

Yeah, well. First off, ditch the amphetamines or whatever you're taking and slow down a little.

"a neck for fast playing" doesn't tell anyone anything, except that you want to play fast, of course.

Routing for humbuckers and your other questions are well covered in this site, the main Project Guitar site and in plenty of books too. Do a few searches, you'll see.

Sounds to me like you haven't done any reading at all on this. Or any planning. So you're first step is to read through this site. Then figure out what kind of guitar you want to build.

Then, when you've got some specific questions, come on back. We're happy to help, but you have to help yourself first.

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Neck screw diameters vary depending on where you buy them. Almost everything can vary from one guitar to the next. The first thing you need to learn about guitar building is that very little is set in stone. Go order some neck screws and then you'll know the diameter of them; they certainly won't break the bank. As for fast necks, a fast neck is relative. Some people think they can play faster on a boat neck, where as ibanez(which I notice you are?) lovers tend to prefer a very thin C neck, i think. Do some intensive searching and you are certain to find information on this. For the profile of the headstock, you can use a blown up image you find on the internet or you can donate to this site to get access to the CAD drawings.

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I want a fast neck profile I can use to build my neck but I want to use an Ibanez RG (6 string) headstock shape on the neck. :D:DB)

I dont know in terms of profiles which will help one play fast, as it is all preference. However, when you finish it, a satin finish would suit you best as glossy finishes are "sticky", rather than smooth. One thing that would help is to find a neck that you like, and decide if there is too much taper, or if its too thin, or whatever, and then copy it, adding the changes.

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I've found the people asking for fast neck profiles are usually asking for thin profiles, maybe like the Wizard necks from Ibanez?

If you're looking for the thinnest neck profile possible, and you're a newbie, I'd suggest getting a Hot Rod truss rod from StewMac, adding 1/8"-3/16" thickness on the bottom of that and then making that the neck depth at the nut (not including fingerboard). Then add maybe 1/16"-1/8" onto that measurement, and have that be the depth at the 12th fret.

That's just a bit of speculation on my part though - why not just find a neck you like the feel of and take some measurements from that? E.g. depth at the nut, depth at 12th fret, width at nut and use that to make up your profile?

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I want an adjustable U channel truss rod in my neck

Ok. Whats your question about it?

somebody correct me if I am wrong, but i dont think that the U type goes in two directions like the "hot rod". They are both easy to intall.

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if it would be better and to use and easier to install in the neck I'm making and the dimensions(LengthxWidthxDepth(Heigth) of a truss rod channel.

I have a Q, what exatcally do you donate to the site to get access the CAD drawings??

Edited by PunkRockerLuke
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If your wanting a very thin neck then the Stew Mac Hot Rod truss rod probably isn't the best one you could use. It takes a 7/16" deep slot, and you have to leave at least 1/8" between the bottom of slot wood, and back of neck. If you can get one that only takes a 3/8" slot like these or these from LMI., you'd be able to get a thinner neck.

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You really need to start finding some of this stuff out on your own. We can not baby you through the entire process. Buying the book "make your own electric guitar," which has been mentioned numerous times, will save you quite a few headaches.

Look here about donations:


At the bottom of the page is a button that says "donate." Click on that. Another thing: don't get frustrated if it takes a while to get a reply; that's simply how things work around here.

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