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Do/did You Play Sports?

Daniel Sorbera

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lol what politics are involved in paintball? :D

That's what everyone says. :D

When you start playing tournaments and you're playing for $10K for first place, it gets pretty intense. I played the Skydome in Toronto (now the Rogers Center) 3 years in a row for a grand prize of $25,000. Didn't win first, but i did walk home with 500 bucks in my pocket. It's not in the woods or anything like that. Check www.tdotballers.com and go to the smacktalk area. You'll see a lot of the BS people sling. Check the pictures area to see what it's like out there.

Standard Politics - Jumping teams, playing with non sponsorship gear, paint, clothing, masks etc, tournament BS, cheating.... I've actually lost at least a dozen friends over paintball and it's politics.

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I lift weights. 12 oz at a time.... I was the kid in high school that hung out in the auto shop, and my exercise was riding my bike/board to the ramps. Was a drummer till i twisted my knee 360 degrees snowboarding. Doc said I could continue drumming if I didnt plan on walking after 30 years old. Thats when I picked up the guitar. :D

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If it was a sport that had a team near me, the chances are that I would have signed up.

Played Basketball (captain), Rugby, Football and Althletics for school (not including Trampolining and Gymnastic which I did at school, just never represented them). I would also play basketball before school and during every break. Used to do weights if it was raining. Oh, I did pole vault once and won out of an entire field of just me :D

Outside of school I used to play basketball for two other teams (at the same time - not playing each other obviously :D ) Rugger for one team, did athletics for the town team (high jump, javelin and sometimes long jump), played football for another team and I even played cricket a few times (but that's just dull).

I'm sure I'm missing some things out.

Now I've worn my body out doing all that lot, I just play pool and have the occassional kick about in the back garden. Been trying to get some mates together for a game of basketball.

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Ive been involved in martial arts for the last 20 years. Competed at Area, National, European, and World Championship level and was in the GB squad. Retired from competition in 1997, ranked top fighter (Middleweight) in Britain, 2nd in Europe and 3rd in the World. Fought in Los Angeles in 1996, and was presented with my trophy by Richard Bustillo, one of Bruce Lee's original students :D

That was a full contact art called Eskrima, the national sport of the Philippines. You batter your opponent with a 28" rattan bamboo stick over three one minute rounds. Doesnt sound a lot but when you're being hit anywhere between 5-12 hits per second, it takes quite a bit out of you.

Still do Thai boxing to keep in shape.

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I played basketball and soccer in elementary school. During my sophomore year I was a teacher's assistant to the assistant junior varsity basketball coach, and he was always trying to recruit me (apparently 6'-5" spells "basketball").

Thing is, I took up this thing called "guitar" in 6th grade... sports were pretty much off the radar after that. :D

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1576 - You wouldn't know David Webster would you? I used to play footie with him as a kid. He represented GB a few times, but not sure what style. I think that he was All Styles Full Contact Champion though. Went over to Korea to train as well.

I used to do a lot of Wado Ryu until the knee packed up, infact blocking a roundhouse kick with my knee was kind of instrumental in the knee packing up :D

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1576 - You wouldn't know David Webster would you? I used to play footie with him as a kid. He represented GB a few times, but not sure what style. I think that he was All Styles Full Contact Champion though. Went over to Korea to train as well.

I used to do a lot of Wado Ryu until the knee packed up, infact blocking a roundhouse kick with my knee was kind of instrumental in the knee packing up :D

Dont know the chap you mention but then again the styles I trained in (JKD, Kali, Pentjak Silat, Muay Thai, etc) dont attract too much attention in the media. Eskrima still isnt a high profile sport. When we were trying to get sponsorship, nobody was in the least bit interested in this country in supporting young athletes.

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