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Any Ideas For A Research Project?

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For school i have to do a long term research project that involves collecting data and experimenting, so i was thinking i'd do something with guitars.

Does anybody have any ideas for this, such as measuring sustain of different materials, neck joints, etc?

The data has to be quantifiable, which will be the hardest thing to do, so I ask you, any ideas?

This could be a chance to prove/disprove certain myths.

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For school i have to do a long term research project that involves collecting data and experimenting, so i was thinking i'd do something with guitars.

Does anybody have any ideas for this, such as measuring sustain of different materials, neck joints, etc?

The data has to be quantifiable, which will be the hardest thing to do, so I ask you, any ideas?

This could be a chance to prove/disprove certain myths.

What grade are you in? We have people from all walks of life and educational backgrounds...

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I may be able to do this, as i have a 66 tele and a 65 SG. As for quantifying it, i think that i will let a number people (both player and non players) listen to sound clips and allow them to tell the difference. Now I have to find someone to borrow a modern tele from.

By the way, I am a Junior in high school. I dont think i can count on an ascilliscope (sp) for my data, hence my other method of quantification.

Edited by custom22
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It can be anything from growing plants to seeing if gum spots on the ground deter people from walking there. The course is called research design, with the primary objective of teaching how to design an experiment. For me, I plan to go into engineering, so i look at it in that respect, but i am open to ideas.

Edited by custom22
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Do guitar strings actually f*ck up after a while or is it just us all thinking they do? and does all this plastic coating rubbish actually do anything to alleviate any problems found in previous question.

Did something along that line for a physics project in school.

quite easy to set up really :D.


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I think this is a good topic. I wish I was the one taking the class

here is my thoughts

different wood will sound different and a set neck or /a glued in neck will have more sustain.

there is so many things that make up a guitar sound.

for me I like useing alder maple cherry and walnut for guitar projects.

another thing is the fret board maple or rose wood.

pickups single coil [strat] or humbucker les Paul sound]

everything from the bridge to the nut you use has some kind of change in the sound you will get.

there is a lot of people here at PG I would think that you will have a lot of info to think about when all is said and done.

now to get the data on papaer is the real thing.

I would start at your local music store and go from there and document everythigh to back up your findings.

cool class I'm there in the wind just listen for the sounds.

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I am trying to determine what would be the most effecient thing for my project, and what people really wanna know. I think body type would be good; its something that hardly anybody has done. People that have a mahogany guitar and an ash guitar usually have different pickups or fretboard and such. Its so hard (and expensive) to isolate all the variables, so im asking what you all think.

Thanks for the replies so far.

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Well you could give the Old {WOOD MAKES THE GUITAR SOUND GOOD} a try, build 2 guitars useing the same stuff for both but make one out of plywood or deck boards or something dence enough to work for a guitar

I think the wood Plays A big role but there are some that dont see it that way


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I like the Old VS new Idea..

you could take your old tele, find someone with a new tele, and for a psych Idea, get like a squire(new) and clean up the wiring, remove the squire logo and neck plate(put a blank one), put a fender strap(so as not to hurt copyright laws but give the implication)..

relic the finish a bit(sand paper, throw your keys at it, rub the fret board)

see witch of the two the person likes, then throw in the squire to see if its just a "vintage" mindset.. Tell them its old, and see if that sways the decision.

your research could be between younger/older players newer/experianced players men/women People that play/people that dont.. Builders/players

you could build some AWESOME tables with that, Age, sex, experiance, play or not, brand preference, builder/player, preference between the control guitars, and the random squire..

plus all it would cost you, is maybe $200 for the guitar, whatever for the neck plate and the strap, sand paper and keys(witch I assume you have availible).

if you clear it with a manager at guitar center, you could do the experiment there, and just ask people to take 5 mins and listen to you play... then have them fill out alittle form.. Just throw it in a box, and record the data later.

or not...

Edited by Desopolis
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yeah, and if the manager at GC let you, you could even just use a tele off the wall.

Im sure just by saying your going to put it on the net and school, as long as you mentioned their name..

hell, the GC guys were offering me cheaper prices on hardware if I mentioned I got it there..

this is my first build, and it will probobly suck... but they like the exposure.

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Do guitar strings actually f*ck up after a while or is it just us all thinking they do? and does all this plastic coating rubbish actually do anything to alleviate any problems found in previous question.

Did something along that line for a physics project in school.

quite easy to set up really :D.


If you would be so kind as to go into a little more depth about this, i would greatly appreciate it.

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