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Ebony Thru Neck

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This guitar took a while. It has some very beautiful wood. It has a nice piece of massacar ebony for the neck. Jatoba body, and a cocobolo fret board, The pickup covers are wenge. Im not sure if i will keep them covering the pick ups, I was just trying to think of something new. It has a french polish finish on the front and head stock.Its going to have some pickups from an ibanez 370DX that im getting.





It still has a few small things to do to it then its done.One thing I am dissapointed in is that the head stock is a little cloudy.

Edited by Vince D
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if you f.polished the headstock and its cloudy; one way they say to bring it back is to wipe methoyl hydrate across it, which agetates the shellac to filling in its own scratches; which when there are less = more gloss;

but what i would do is take it to a sterile enviroment and wipe tung oil across it, and leave it do dry, the extra little coat will give it a more reflective look and uncloud the appearance.

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You need to de wax your shellac, once you mix it, leave it to sit for a few days, it will seperate out. Decant the top layer, throw away the rest. Its this top layer that will give you a nice clear finish.

Most tutorials I've seen for mixing shellac say to wait overnight, which is crap, it takes up to a week to fully seperate.

If I get the time, I'll write a tutorial as I'm french polishing a guitar.

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I dont think its from contamination. Its like a foggynesss kind of like finger prints on it. I can rub it, and the directicon of the streeks will change. I am not the best at explaining. On the head stock its only a few spots on the top and right side. Oil makes it a little better but a little still comes back.

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Looks great, just a few things.

Did you say neck thru? it looks like very long set neck from looking at the back.

I cannot say i really dig the pickup covers, though it's different and i have been taught that different can be good or bad, by the looks of them its a good different.

Another thing i don't like so much is the contouring where the neck joins the body, but thats more a personal preference thing.

The choice of wood is great, they contrast well together, and your fret board is quite nice, as is your headstock.

I guess overall it is a nice guitar, most of the things i don't like, others will.

Those 12 and 24 fret markers look a little uneven, but my eyes are known to relay bullsh*t to my brain so i could be wrong.

How does it play?


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