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I was thinking about creating a topic and see if you would like to learn a little Icelandic tounge, since I'm from Iceland and I live there I can teach you a few words and sentence, I speak Icelandic but I have to write english here for you to understand me. B)

I'm just gonna' check how many want to learn and I'll teach you something, you can also come with words from english or sentence and I can translate them to Icelandic and teach you :D

Now who wants to learn a new language? :D

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how do you cuss????? I wana be able to cuss people out in German and in another language

Why don't you grow up!!! This is the reason so many people from other countries don't "like" the american attitude. And believe me I have been in MANY countries...

Keep this one clean, or it will be closed in a second!!!

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dude, if you want to cuss people out in germanic languages, just learn a bunch of really innocent, pointless phrases like (in german):

Franzosich ist mein Lieblingsfach

french is my favorate subject

Gehen Sie eine Bissien weiter

go a bit farther

Das ist in der Schweiz

that's in switzerland

Bratwurst mit Brote, bitte

sausage on a bun, please

sorry for the spelling errors, and don't forget the gutterals and "Z"s

BTW, this only works on people who don't know german. if they do, they'll just laugh. it's not about cussing people out, it's about NOT cussing people out and making them think they just got burned in german.

oh yeah, and...

,, Luke, ich bin dein Vater....


Edited by NamelessOne
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how do you cuss????? I wana be able to cuss people out in German and in another language

Why don't you grow up!!! This is the reason so many people from other countries don't "like" the american attitude. And believe me I have been in MANY countries...

Keep this one clean, or it will be closed in a second!!!

hi Maiden69,

i certainly don't want to encourage any abberant behavior from PunkRockerLuke, but i do have to admit, his question did give me a chuckle.

and then a second one from NamelessOne

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Kommen Sie ein und machen Sie die Tür zu! Sie sollen nicht hier essen, aber Sie können dem Fernseher einen Mantel geben! Ich bin nach Frankreich gegangen, aber sie haben keine Würstchen!

"Come in and shut the door. You may not eat here, but you can give the TV a coat. I have gone to France, but they have no hotdogs!"

Nonsense, as NamelessOne said, but I guarantee that if you are able to rattle that off at someone, all you will get is a stare. :D

EDIT: Corrected. Should be perfect now. :D

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In response to the "and in another language" part of your post, Luke, say

"ni hao, ni de qing wa mei you dai ling dai" to someone who understands chinese.

Also say "wo mei you didi".


Keep this one clean, or it will be closed in a second!!!

**thinking about it i should probably explain what they mean, to confirm that its not (very) offensive....

first means; "Hello, your frog has no tie"

Second means; "I have no little brother" (and nothing else.... honest :D:D )

Kinda ruins it when you know what they mean

Edited by Ben
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nǐ hǎo, nǐ de qīng wā méi you dai ling dai ***

g2g now but im posting it 1/2 done cos it takes quite a while to do all the accent things and i dont want to lose it. Will edit others in later

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Franzosich ist mein Lieblingsfach

french is my favorate subject

Actually, that might well be an insult in Germany... :D

My favorite insult, though, is "Du bist ein bleistift!"-- short, and to the point, and just sounds dirty, y'know?

It means "you are a pencil"



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  • 2 weeks later...

hey Stoverus,

Unlike the knuckle-dragging cavemen above, I'd actually love to learn some Icelandic. I've been there several times (I'm a geologist researching volcanoes), and it would be pretty cool to roll out some native tongue the next time I'm there (maybe next summer).

I always thought is was pretty cool how you guys come up with last names that pay honor to the person's father by adding onto his first name. For you folk not in the know, it goes something like this.

If Xena was the daughter of Primal, her name would be Xena Primalsdottir.

If Gomer was the son of Skibum, his name would be Gomer Skibumsson.

Is this done in every Icelandic family? I know a Gronvold over there...(maybe he's a transplant).

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maiden69 I was joking. but I'm pretty sure noone could tell that.

(I forgot the stupid smiley)

Ich bin lars(my german class name). Ich bin vierzehn. Ich spiele guitarre gern und ich spiele tennis gern. Was machst in ?deine freitzeit????? Machst du sport??? Wie alt bist du???

(german people please correct my spelling my german notebooks in my locker at school)

Edited by PunkRockerLuke
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heh.. you have the same first year german curriculum as I do... heh...

Ich bin Conrad. Ich bin vierzehn auch. Ich spiele gern Bassguitarre. In meine freitzeit, ich spiele Bassguitarre. Ich Spiele keine Sport.

while we've hijacked the thread, any other linguists here?

Je parle un peu de français. Je voudrais étudier plus, mais mon professeuse de français n'est pas un bon professeuse. J'ai déja visité la France, et l'Allemange aussi.

Ich parle badly...

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