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If I want to record a riff so I don't forget it,all it takes is about 2 minutes of prep(start computer,start Nuendo,right click on add new track,click the record enable and mute buttons,plug in guitar,and go).

if I want a click track,that only takes a few seconds as well.

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If I want to record a riff so I don't forget it,all it takes is about 2 minutes of prep(start computer,start Nuendo,right click on add new track,click the record enable and mute buttons,plug in guitar,and go).

if I want a click track,that only takes a few seconds as well.

I can't play to a click track to save my life. I end up playing to a drum loop and then pulling that and adding a click track back in so our drummer can work on it.

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I prefer playing with loops because it inspires me. I throw in a loop and fand just start createing from feel.

That is exactly how I write. Good to see others doing the same :D

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I think i'll go the way of a lot of people, and invest in a couple of Line6 units for guitar and bass, The immediacy of plug and play does help grease the spontaneity somewhat. I hate having to build and configure stuff when i'm itching to thrash one out.


But anyway....! I think adding either a couple of desktop PODs or perhaps if i'm feeling flush a couple of POD XT rackmounts would remove the need for lugging my Trace stack to the recording setup every time.

Does anyone else use Drumkit From Hell/EZ-Drummer in any way shape or form? They're so much cooler when you start routing the virtual mic outputs via individual channel processing....

If you don't already own any recording gear like POD series etc., and want to buy Line 6, I would highly advise you to consider the new Line 6 GearBox Plugin. It's gotten great reviews and to me sounds great, but the main reason is because your never commited to the sound you are using at the time of recording, and can change it at any time you want when mixing. This gives you unrivaled flexiblity that you can't get when recording through gear into the computer. I use Guitar Rigs 2 right now and absolutely love it for recording, but since the new Line 6 plugin is out, I'm getting anxious to buy it. If you do buy any outboard gear, I'd advise you to at least split the output of the guitar, and send a clean unprocessed signal to a track on your DAW. That way you can use the outboard gear when recording, then route the clean signal back through an output to the POD, etc. then back into the computer when mixing down, thus giving you the same flexiblity of a plug in. With these new plugin's like Amplitube, Waves GTR, Guitar Rigs 2, and now Line 6 Gearbox, it's hard not to find at least one you like and will love using. The cool thing about the plugins is that you can automate them.

I've heard of Drumkit From Hell, but never tried it. We record real drums so the only thing I might use is Drumagog if I just can't get the sound I'm looking for on a certain part of the kit. I'll have to check it out.

GuitarFrenzy - my applause to you for being able to spend that much time on a snare. Personally speaking when I am mixiong vocals I get tired of listening to myself after 10 minutes. No idea how someone can spend hours mxing dry vox!

We'll actually I like to get the drums setup and tweaked then leave them alone, but what is sometimes frustrating is when the drummer wants to use their own drums and has to set them up for a couple of days, then take them out for a gig, then back.. etc, etc... You end up having to retweak each time, which, yes can make you pull you hair out.. lol

I think that considering the POD as being "obsolete" in a few years is a matter of subjective opinion. Better things might appear, but the POD will still do what it does and if that's what you want it to do then cool! The only thing that irks ME is that in a few years it will have gone down in price radically, and the GAS will try and make me buy the "newer" thingamadoodle that supposedly is the best thing on the cutting edge of modelling tech :-D

Similarly to DFH, a POD can create great results for scratch tracks, but you can quickly re-record these in a studio using real amps and getting a better and more workable sound!

That's why I love plugin amp sims nowdays, you can really tweak your sound to get it just right in the mix.

I only use my computer as a sketch-pad and songwriting tool, and use an antique Cakewalk program and a $100 audio card (the audiophile 2496), but I have a couple of comments:

First, I am a big fan of my PODxt. It sounds decent, and it saves a lot of screwing around with amps and microphones. As far as upgrades and cost is concerned, I bought it several years ago for about $300, and that is still the going rate today. Plus, if you have the USB hooked up, you can download any software upgrades for free from Line6 (although you then have to go through and tweak all of your sounds, which is a bit annoying). If I recall correctly, my last update actually included new amp models and effects. I wouldn't worry to much about them becoming obsolete or going down in price that much. That said, I have a Spider 210 that is now completely obsolete (and damn near worthless)!

Also, I use acid loops for drum tracks. I have been using products from Drums on Demand. They have discs for various styles, and have enough loops in various tempos to make a pretty convincing drum track.

Just my (relatively low-tech and inexperienced) 2 cents.

I just bought a Spider III amp now long ago for the tone. I was in Guitar Center and messing around, definitely not looking to buy anything, but I made the mistake of trying one out, and I later left with it.. :D

Maybe I am wierd,but for me,the behringer Vamp sounds much more realistic than the pod.

Everyone has their own idea of perfect guitar tone, and Behringer makes some good stuff to.

If I want to record a riff so I don't forget it,all it takes is about 2 minutes of prep(start computer,start Nuendo,right click on add new track,click the record enable and mute buttons,plug in guitar,and go).

if I want a click track,that only takes a few seconds as well.

Yeah, got to love Nuendo, it's really easy to use once you mess with it for a while, although I did actually read the 780 page manual.. YIKESSS

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The Line 6 Gear Box is pretty awesome. That is the first I have seen it.

Thanks for pointing it out!

As for Behringer I was surprised to see Alex Lifeson uses several of their products in his arsenal.

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The Line 6 Gear Box is pretty awesome. That is the first I have seen it.

Thanks for pointing it out!

As for Behringer I was surprised to see Alex Lifeson uses several of their products in his arsenal.

I read about it in the last issue of Sound on Sound magazine, and was glad to hear about it because I'd always wanted their Amp Farm which has been used on tons of records, but it was only a TDM Pro Tool format. I was finally glad to see Line 6 to put out a new plugin that the RTAS, VST, and AU format, for us less fortunate to not own a Pro Tools HD setup. So, I'm definitely wanting to buy it soon. I've also got my eye out on IK Multimedia's new Amplitube Jimi Hendrix plugin.

Yeah I'd seen Alex using some Behringer stuff. BTW, have you bought the newest Rush album? It just came out.

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The Line 6 Gear Box is pretty awesome. That is the first I have seen it.

Thanks for pointing it out!

As for Behringer I was surprised to see Alex Lifeson uses several of their products in his arsenal.

I read about it in the last issue of Sound on Sound magazine, and was glad to hear about it because I'd always wanted their Amp Farm which has been used on tons of records, but it was only a TDM Pro Tool format. I was finally glad to see Line 6 to put out a new plugin that the RTAS, VST, and AU format, for us less fortunate to not own a Pro Tools HD setup. So, I'm definitely wanting to buy it soon. I've also got my eye out on IK Multimedia's new Amplitube Jimi Hendrix plugin.

Yeah I'd seen Alex using some Behringer stuff. BTW, have you bought the newest Rush album? It just came out.

Actually my wife grabbed it yesterday off of itunes. She was never a huge RUSH fan but said it is very ggod. Matter of fact I think the "word of mouth" she did on it sold about 10 copies already!

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