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Avia Hh-1000 #001 Build

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Mmm, I agree, it's too stubby-looking. I'd give it another 2 inches or so. Just by guesstimating on pictures on google, it looks like the tip of the tailpiece should be about 1/2" from where the traditional TOM stoptail would end.

Also, and this just might be a personal preference, but why did you choose to put the bass strings closer, and sweep away the treble strings? I don't know if there's a real answer as to why, maybe just tradition, but I tend to think of it like a piano, bass strings are longer than treble strings.

Also, what job do you do where you can bring your guitar projects to work? Sign me up!

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kk i thought so, i chose to put the bass side higher because it followed the contours of the neck and the headstock so it just made sense, I'm fairly sure that there's no physical conditioning from having one side close than the other so =]

and I'm a security guard, and I work second shift alot so most of the time i'm at work i'm sitting at a desk (the one in most of the photos lol) with nothing to do for 8 hours.

New tailpiece design tonight then

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Benedetto makes a pretty snazzy tailpiece, I think. I grabbed a couple of other pictures off Google that I like, and thought I'd pass them along for possible inspiration:



What did you make the tail out of, ebony if I remember correctly? The thought did cross my mind about cutting the middle piece out like you did, and if it would be able to stand up to the string tension. But, if it's ebony, I don't think it would be a problem.

Here's to many uneventful nights!

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Allright, as much as I LURVE this guitar, I'll have to criticize just a little bit. Not an artistic problem, a structural problem. That floating tailpiece is gonna snap on you when it's all strung up with full tension. Yes, it's ebony. But the grain runs perfectly straight up and down. And at the curve of that cutout, you've got the weakest point on that tailpiece. I foresee the strings snapping away with a chunk from the end of that cutout.

Perhaps, you've already done some tests or already strung it up, and will tell me, "Bryan, you're a horse's ass and know nothing about anything!" I'll feel better at least, that this guitar won't break on you. But if I'm right, and that ebony goes kablammo during a performance, you're gonna hurl that sucka at a wall in fury and hatred.

Is it too late to test/remake that tailpiece? Cuz as cool as it looks, the engineer in me is screaming bloody murder at that last picture.

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I was thinking the same thing, but it's better that the curve be on the bass side, because the tension of the bass strings will pull stronger. And the bass strings being closer means less string that is pulling on the tailpiece. I didn't notice the grain situation, and its possible implications, though. I dunno, though, ebony is one tough mother of a species; he might be ok.

I'm anxious to see this one done, though!

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oh hey, see theres something I was going to do that I never really mentioned which was; I knew I wanted some sort of a gold hinge or connector to mount the tailpiece to, I also wanted to buy an extra gold hinge or anything thin and shiny gold, to cut out a part on one side of it to mount connecting the weak part on the far side. It's hard to explain but it was in the plans from the beginning i just never mentioned it I dont know why O_o. On the last tailpiece I tried a piece of birdseye maple I glued a thin veneer to the bottom and put a structural piece where I said I'm going to put the gold piece, but I didn't like how it looks so I cut it out and didn't show anyone the pictures hehe.

Hey, I've been working on scraping the binding clean and I can't get it 100% clean, I masked off the spots around where the binding line was, put about 3-5 coats of lacquer over the bindings (i was drunk so +-2 coats) then taped off the bindings, but when I dyed it still bled through more than I'd of liked, and in certain spots bled through pretty deep. I have it cleaned up how does it look?


I'll be the first to admit the binding lines aren't 100% perfect and it's kinda stressing me out a little, I guess it's all about knowing how to do it 100% proper so nothing bleeds through.

Heres when I tested out tigereye, didn't like it too much, it has a cool look to it but I think red fit this build better. Besides I like doing a more dramatic tiger eye I dont like do subtle shiat like most manufacturers.


I guess I'm going to start sealer coats tomorrow morning if you guys think the binding looks good enough

peace - Josh

Edited by piedpiperX2000
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What tape are you using? A good automotive dealer will have pinstriping tape that you can get in various thicknesses. I used it to tape off the bevels on my first build and it worked well.

I think I would be more worried about splotches or runs in the binding than getting it to be the exact same thickness all the way around. The one pic looks fine to me, but then again it ain't the best quality either :D I figure if you can't see it from arm's length away, it's no big deal. This, coming from a perfectionist like myself, haha. I learned that I was very overcritical with my first build because I had spent 9mo or so staring at it from less than a foot away and critiquing everything and so on and so forth. I was getting into issues with the damn thing that I realized later only I would be concerned about.

So long story short, the pic you posted looks fine to me.

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Looks good to me, but it's tough to tell from the picture. If you have any particular trouble spots, you might want to post some closer up pictures of that. I think this type of things is one of the reasons that most people wouldn't recommend you sell your first guitar build. :D It's amazing how much easier and more precise everything gets the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th times, and so on. :D

Looking great, by the way!

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WezV thanks! It's gonna be the mag. pickup selector, the other two small holes are for the piezo bridge controls, its stereo/mono push button and a 3 way for straight piezo/piezo mag mix/straight mag, if I recall correctly.

Anderson, I like the bottom one the best! I'm a sucker for orange colored finished tho =]

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