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Bloodwood Ss

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It still needs to be sanded to shape and leveled, because its soooooo damn heavy I will be either doing this one up as a Hallow Body Or a Super Thin, Time will tell

Edited by !!METAL MATT!!
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I'm split.

If you can salvage the top like Xanthus said i would definatly go with super thin.

Another idea which i think would be really cool would be to make it a semihollow with some sweet f-holes on the sides. That would be sick and you wouldn't lose any large amounts of wood like the super thin. If you're not into f-holes though i would vote for superthin

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Well theres no saw in this town that could slice off a top from this stuff, so Im still up in the air on this build

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If you don't take off significant ammounts of wood, you'll end up with a 15-20 pound guitar. We all know that just ain't happening. Whichever way you go, you're going to have to plane it down some. If you use a top, you can leave it thicker and sacrifice a router bit chambering it. If you make it a super-thin (my personal choice), you're probably going to have to sharpen the planer blades.

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i have played a couple of blackmachines. they in no way lack tone by having thin bodies and feel really comfy. it does feel a bit strange holding a super thin guitar at first but you get over that quickly and it makes a lot of sense on a strap

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