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Carved Top Sg Body

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I didn't want to tell anyone about this or post any pictures until I was sure I could pull it off.

A couple months ago, I was contacted by a dude who wanted a carved top PRS body with a couple of contrasting stringers routed for TV Jones pups. We talked a bit and he eventually decided that he really wanted an SG Diablo, but with the same specs. I told him that there was no way I could pull off an accurate Diablo, but I could to a carved top SG. He wanted the traditional SG bevels on it as well.

Yea... that's what I thought too. A full carved top but with bevels on the edges. But if that's what he wants....








Looking at it without the bevels, it actually doesn't look that bad. I was really not enthused about the prospect of a carved top SG, but seeing it, it's not bad at all. I'm still not liking the idea of combining it with the bevels, but again, it's not my ax.

On the good side, I'm getting a LOT better with my carves. :D

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I took a ruler & notepad to the store before I got started on this thing. An SG is 1 1/2" thick. The bevels go in 1/2" on the sides, leaving a 1/2" shelf around the perimeter. This adds to the feeling of a very thin body.

This particular blank ended up just over 1 7/8" thick. I made the lip around the edge at the 1 1/2" mark. That leaves a 3/8"+ carve thickness.

Right now, I'm waiting to hear back from him. I want an additional confirmation to go ahead with the bevels.

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I quite like the wood choice...dare I ask what the neck is going to be :D

My first guitar was an SG so I still have a little affection for it...but only a little...hehehe

I really can't picture how you would do this carve and the bevels and to that extent I'm really not sure at all about it...maybe a profile of the edge in a drawing of what you are thinking might help...also, I hoe you will be carving the back also.

The neck joint on a typical SG was always the weak point...a bit of a rubber neck of a thing...with a substantial bolt on (I presume) neck join there it kind of defeats the point of the all access SG design a little...I guess there is no way around it and it might be a little more solid for it, but the join looks a little bulky...perhaps furreles and a more AANJ could be considered to lessen the bulk. It also looks like a heavy slab of wood, if not the bevels then I would suggest a fairly hefty belly carve in it perhaps.

Trying to be constructive here...so don't take offense...but it would be nice to see the total design idea rather than a simple body...the whole thing has to kind of work together and it is really the key to a successful design IMHO.

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No offense taken. From your posts I can tell that even were it worded badly, your intent would not be to offend. It'd have to be really over the top for me to get mad over your opinions.

The woods for this are sapele wings with a maple & bubinga center. He told me what the neck was made from, but I don't remember. Honestly, I don't particularly care. My concern is that it's a bolt-on with the industry standard heel. The neck shelf on this body isn't finished, so that may be why it looks bulky.

I have it in my head what the bevels will look like with the carve, but I SUCK with the drawing programs so it'd be a real chore to show it to you. Personally, I think it'll look like poo. But again, if that's what he wants, he's the one paying for it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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it might be cool if you continued the bevel all around the gtr if you don't like the places where the contours meet the thick part of the "butt" of the gtr

.. i effed up a tele i'm working on by dropping it onto a concrete floor after sanding... ugh... the giant dent in the front face of the lower horn forced me to get creative and i cut a bevel all the way around and really like how it ended up setting off the top..


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i think the diablo carve looks awful in all the head on shots i have seen... however i do have to concede that it works a lot better in person, the shot from the side gives a better impression... if they scooped out/recurved the bevels it could really start to work for me

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I gotta say... I didn't think it'd look any good at all. I was wrong. I'm REALLY glad I took this commission. I drastically undercharged him, but I wasn't sure if I could pull it off either. With what I learned from this, I'll consider the reduced price the cost of knowledge.

The dude agreed with me that the bevels needed to be softened up in order to work with the carve, so here we are. I still wouldn't have gone with both, but overall, it's not bad at all.

I think I'm going to get some pine and see if I can make an actual SG Diablo. Some experimenting with the angle grinder to get a recurve is clearly in order.

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