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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all,

It's been a few weeks since I've been able to post but there really hasn't been much going on other than wiping on coats of tru-oil.

I think it's got somewhere between 20-30 coats ( I lost count somewhere) and it's starting to shape up. I had some dips where the grain lines where from not filling properly. (lesson learned) so I've done a little wet sanding every 6 or so during the last several coat to try and level things out a bit. I think it's pretty good at this point but I have a few more questions....

I've heard the TO settles a bit once it's fully cured. With this in mind, should I add a few extra coats for good measure once it's completely leveled out? If so, how many?

Also, what about final finishing with tru-oil? I've read a few different techniques such as thinning 50/50 and wiping or spraying for a smother finish coat OR just letting it cure and doing a final wet sanding through all the grits and then polish...

Suggestions please...



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As far as finishing with Tru-oil goes, it does sink back a bit, but that is not dis-similar to nitro lacquer.

I've had best results by finishing it with a 50/50 top coat once the layers underneath are perfectly smooth, then just buffing with the finest grits of micro mesh sanding papers. Tru-oil will show witness lines, so you do have to be careful about buffing/sanding through a layer when doing final finishing.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey all,

Well, after taking a while off due to a problem with my hand, I'm back in the game working on this strat. When I last left off, I was having a lot of issues with the tru-oil getting witness lines when I wet sanded it back.


Spent a lot of time trying to remedy the problem and finally gave up on that idea. Now I'm spraying it with nitro and it's going pretty well.

I'm down to my last couple of coats and had a question about final sanding. I know it's best to wait a month or so to do the sanding polishing process but I was wondering if it's feasible to do at least the first wet sanding (600 grit) before letting it cure. I thought that way I could make sure I've got any little left over defects or low spots all the way out. I don't want to wait a month only to find out that I have to go back, fill these areas and wait another month.

I'll try and post a few pics later - it looks pretty cool with the nitro on it. I actually had to take it back and re-dye it due to sand throughs and trying to get the witness lines dealt with. I'm not as happy as I was with the first dye job but it's close enough. At this point I just really want to play this biotch!

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