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Wanted Strat Templates


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When you say that you need an extra one, does this mean you already have one?

If so, can't you just route round the one that you have :D

No, I want the laser cut ones with the marked center lines, which i can't replicate by just doing a routed duplicate.

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If you have access to the plans on the site (and if there's the right one) then you could probably get a local laser cutters to do it for you. They can put the centre lines on too.

I could be being completely thick here, but if you do have one, can't you mark a centreline on a bit of wood, place your template along that centre line and route round it. I've had a long day so not ruling out the fact that I'm being thick.

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If you have access to the plans on the site (and if there's the right one) then you could probably get a local laser cutters to do it for you. They can put the centre lines on too.

I could be being completely thick here, but if you do have one, can't you mark a centreline on a bit of wood, place your template along that centre line and route round it. I've had a long day so not ruling out the fact that I'm being thick.

I could do it that way, yes, but I don't want to give up any accuracy that comes from computer cut templates, and where ever the manager of guitarbuildingtemplates gets his CAD files, I haven't found them yet so I will probably have to buy from him again and wait for them to arrive.

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Dude - if you can't make an accurate centerline on a template, how do you expect to do one on an actual body? :D You'll need it, you know....

It's not about me making an accurate center line, it's about the overall quality of computer guided vs. handmade. I want the best accuracy possible in my templates. That way the body is as accurate as possible. And I am aware of the necessity of center lines on the actual wood, :D that is why I want these computer drawn templates, for things like the neck, you can never be too precise.

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So.... what's the issue if it ends up being 1mm off here & there? And how can you be 100% positive that the one you're wanting to buy won't be off just a smidge? Unless someone has access to a computer-mapped image of the original, and you KNOW that Fender isn't going to let that escape easily, you'll not have a completely accurate body.

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If you can't rout round an existing template and match it perfectly using a bearing-guided router cutter, your final guitar isn't going to match either. At the end of the day you'll have to use that template to make the body shape in wood - why not start with ply and make a template? It's easier and you're less likely to make any slips and lose accuracy.

This thread makes my brain hurt with its sheer illogical nature.

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I think I understand your desire to have a spot-on, exact copy of a Strat.

But, being practical, even if you were to get a CAD file and have a template laser-cut, just the sanding of the body after it's cut is going to put it off from the original some fraction of a millimeter anyway. It's just a question of how close is good enough, because you're not going to get something perfect no matter what you do. (And in fact, factory Strats are going to vary from each other to some small degree anyway.)

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My desire for CAD drawn templates isn't about getting exact copies of Strat's, its about being as accurate as possible for things like neck pocket alignment and bridge placement. I'm confident in my woodworking skills, but I would rather have templates made by computers and have everything as exact as possible. It's no secret that with instruments, precision determines quality, so I want to be as precise and accurate as possible, even if it involves buying another template. So, if anyone actually has templates to sell, please let me know.

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My desire for CAD drawn templates isn't about getting exact copies of Strat's, its about being as accurate as possible for things like neck pocket alignment and bridge placement. I'm confident in my woodworking skills, but I would rather have templates made by computers and have everything as exact as possible. It's no secret that with instruments, precision determines quality, so I want to be as precise and accurate as possible, even if it involves buying another template. So, if anyone actually has templates to sell, please let me know.

Listen. YES WE GET IT, WE KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. The point is that isnt going to help you much, and its more up to your own work to get everything aligned perfectly anyway.

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There is no reason you can't just rout a duplicate of the ones you have, while they're still taped together you can transfer the line onto the new one (you can see the line on the edge of the templates) and then use a ruler to make the line. As long as your carefl it should be in almost exactly the right place. When I got the templates I made copies of the right off and I only use the copies, that way if something slips or something and it accidentley gets routed into I can make myself a new one in 5 or 10 minutes.

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FYI - most folks don't actually use the masonite templates on a daily basis - they use them to create working templates out of MDF or quality plywood (I prefer 3/4" birch ply), and save the originals as masters that you can always go back to. This way, if you accidentally damage the working template, you don't have to go and buy another one.

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FYI - most folks don't actually use the masonite templates on a daily basis - they use them to create working templates out of MDF or quality plywood (I prefer 3/4" birch ply), and save the originals as masters that you can always go back to. This way, if you accidentally damage the working template, you don't have to go and buy another one.


I make my duplicates out of construction grade pine. I don't know that it's any better than ply, but it seems better to me. Personally, I'd never use MDF. I'm concerned that the friction might heat up the glue and cause the edges to fall apart.

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I applaud Claptonfreaks desire for perfection, and I understand exactly what he is saying, he just wants the damn thing to come out as a perfectly intonatable playable professional instrument, and for him, a laser cut template will help get him there, it ain't no big thang, give the guy some room to breath for chrissakes. B)

Hell, to be honest about it, I've been building for 13 years now, have made every template I've ever used by hand, drawn out by hand, re-drafted several times by hand, made several of my own custom designs that have been built, and even I am now putting together an order for Ronnie Trigo (GBT.COM).

It just ain't no big thing in the end lads, you need what you need when you need it. Simple. It's just a template, so help a dude out if you can, that's all he's askin'.

:D ...Do I REALLY need to 'Go Lennon' on ya tonight? :D

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I applaud Claptonfreaks desire for perfection, and I understand exactly what he is saying, he just wants the damn thing to come out as a perfectly intonatable playable professional instrument, and for him, a laser cut template will help get him there, it ain't no big thang, give the guy some room to breath for chrissakes. B)

Hell, to be honest about it, I've been building for 13 years now, have made every template I've ever used by hand, drawn out by hand, re-drafted several times by hand, made several of my own custom designs that have been built, and even I am now putting together an order for Ronnie Trigo (GBT.COM).

It just ain't no big thing in the end lads, you need what you need when you need it. Simple. It's just a template, so help a dude out if you can, that's all he's askin'.

:D ...Do I REALLY need to 'Go Lennon' on ya tonight? :D

None of us have a problem with that.....it's that he wants an EXTRA template (or that's how it appears from his posts). He already has one, and wants another one for some reason. That's what I find weird. I totally agree with getting computer cut templates - I get mine made at a custom laser place (www.pololu.com) onto 1/4" plexi.

Just for the record - what templates are you getting from GBT? and when you get them can you tell me how they shape up? I've heard differing reports on the accuracy/quality of them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

when i first started out i bought a few templated from gbt.com (tele, mosrite ventures, firebird and 335) and every one of those was useable but considerably different in scale/size to originals i referenced from. i wasn't trying to make perfect replicas so it didn't bother me so much. this isn't meant to be a stab at them but something to keep in mind.

the centerlines were just perfect tho. their precision gave me shivers!! :D

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when i first started out i bought a few templated from gbt.com (tele, mosrite ventures, firebird and 335) and every one of those was useable but considerably different in scale/size to originals i referenced from. i wasn't trying to make perfect replicas so it didn't bother me so much. this isn't meant to be a stab at them but something to keep in mind.

the centerlines were just perfect tho. their precision gave me shivers!! :D

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I was actually most interested in the bridge/neck pocket placement parts of the template. I'll probably do most of my own body shaping to match a 56 strat.

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