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Position For Tremolo

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I'm going to start building my first guitar very soon. I have made a full drawing, but the position of the tremolo bridge seems that it is a bit too much offset, and i can't really remember how i came up with the measurements that i have there right now. I have attached 2 pictures that show measurements. The red line is a centerline. Do i have the right offset, or how much should it be? That seems like questions that could be easily found, but i have searched all day finding nothing.

The tremolo i'm going to use is this one http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Bridges,_tailp..._for_Strat.html



Edited by exkrementor
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I'm going to start building my first guitar very soon. I have made a full drawing, but the position of the tremolo bridge seems that it is a bit too much offset, and i can't really remember how i came up with the measurements that i have there right now. I have attached 2 pictures that show measurements. The red line is a centerline. Do i have the right offset, or how much should it be? That seems like questions that could be easily found, but i have searched all day finding nothing.

The tremolo i'm going to use is this one http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Bridges,_tailp..._for_Strat.html



It does look a little too offset * BUT * don't take my word as law....

wait until you have the bridge in your posession to verify that you have the right measurements BEFORE routing that cavity.

could be a project killer if you get it wrong.

good luck with your build. :D

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Did you base the measurements off StewMac's trem template? If so, you've measured the template from the wrong side.

The center line is correct for the strat, but if you reverse it for the two point trem style (and put it wrong face up), the center is off.



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Did you base the measurements off StewMac's trem template? If so, you've measured the template from the wrong side.

The center line is correct for the strat, but if you reverse it for the two point trem style (and put it wrong face up), the center is off.



My measurements are based on a picture i saw in an article some weeks ago, i didnt had my tremolo then, but now i have and i have changed it to the right measurements in the drawing now. If i understood you correct the tremolo placement should be like this. On the front the tremolo routing is centered.

Thanks for your help!


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Did you base the measurements off StewMac's trem template? If so, you've measured the template from the wrong side.

The center line is correct for the strat, but if you reverse it for the two point trem style (and put it wrong face up), the center is off.



My measurements are based on a picture i saw in an article some weeks ago, i didnt had my tremolo then, but now i have and i have changed it to the right measurements in the drawing now. If i understood you correct the tremolo placement should be like this. On the front the tremolo routing is centered.

Thanks for your help!


No, it should be offset, not central. It is offset to allow for the trem arm.

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