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The No Template Sg

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Hey, I normally don't post, but after a couple years hiatus (kids) I started from scratch. Just to let those people out there that are so willing to share thier knowledge know, that it is very much appreciated. On to the build. I found some old maple I forgot I had and decided it would make an interesting SG. So I found some 1/2" quilted maple and 3/4" regular maple and a 3 piece maple LP style set neck. I realize this is a little thin but DBZ has that crazy new thin guitar and I thought what the heck. So, I traced the body of an SG3 I have onto the two the different maple pieces and cut them out with a jigsaw and then glued them up.


Then with a microplaner attached to a hand drill I smoothed the edges so everything matched up nicely. Next I will bevel the edges and the horn areas and the route. I also found some awesome quilt for a headstock veneer.


I know I could save a lot of time with better tools and templates, but there is something to say about truly handmade guitars, it's like my therapy. Anyhowever, any and all comments are wlecome and any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks for the site and if anyone cares I will continue posting pics until it's complete.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the "No Template SG" came to a halt. I almost ruined the top trying to cut the humbucker holes so I gave way and used a humbucker template and a router. Anyways, I have been pretty busy and should get to polishing this week. Here is a pic of the body sanded down with 220


and here it is all routed


So far I the body is done, the neck is glued, and I used the extra wood to make pickup rings and a back cover. I have a Gibson Dirty Fingers for the Bridge and a 496 for the neck I probably am going to add an EMG PA-2 to the neck or maybe both who knows, I had it laying around so this may be the guitar to get it. so I will post more pics hopefully in the next couple days of a finished product.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That top is insanely gorgeous. Watching this and a couple other build threads is making the to-build list much, much longer, and I'm already working on 3 right now. I better get out to the shop...

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