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8 String Prototype Lots Of Pictures!

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I didn't want to go over board on spending money but also wanted quality stuff. Thus the mildly figured top haha.


top tzalam (with a little figure down the middle)

body imbuya

neck mahogany/black limba

fret board santos rosewood

SS frets (24 of em)

16" radii

plan to put M8s or aftermaths

body is a cobra 8 design from S7 I most likely will mod it a bit tho and next build will be my own design..

now to the good part






The after contouring (A lot more to come tho)



Neck... side you wont see


side you will see.. a little dirty in the middle there but its gotta be sanded anyways


Well I have more pictures but I maxed out for this post.. not sure on the rules for double posting so I'll just wait.

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Thanks :D

this was the scariest part so far. a little burn on there but didnt skew the cut so im happy



quick dry fit


glued the scarf and the seam was flawless very happy so far!



Tell me what you guys think about these ideas.. also I know making a headstock is like coming up with a band name.. so please tell me if im being original or not lol.

EDIT: Making names more organized

#1 (Mouth)


#2 (Traditional)


#3 Version 1


#3 Version 2


Anyways thanks to everyone here at project guitar I don't think I would be able to do this without all the amazing info here.

Edited by Jayarpeggios
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Looking good.

As for the headstocks I'd say that I prefer the, as you put it (I actually think its quite original) more traditional one because its clean lines and the way that the inlayed piece of wood sits in relation to the shape is more pleasing and quite slick too imho.

I like the truss rod cover as well.


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Hehe, all of them are good, but the traditional appeals the most to me even if it's the least original one. The first one is cool, but I think it's a look I would easily get tired of. The shape of the combo version reminds me of this fish: http://www.meloyavisa.no/images/Nyhetsbilder/fisk2.jpg, but other than that it's the best of the more original shapes.

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Hehe, all of them are good, but the traditional appeals the most to me even if it's the least original one. The first one is cool, but I think it's a look I would easily get tired of. The shape of the combo version reminds me of this fish: http://www.meloyavisa.no/images/Nyhetsbilder/fisk2.jpg, but other than that it's the best of the more original shapes.

LOL WHAT!? I don't get the connection with the fish but ok haha.

ALSO :D ordered these yesterday.. the first one is going in a guitar for whoever buys it but otherwise I'm making a seven string out of it for myself. The other one is going on the wall :D



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Definitely the more traditional one. Trust me... I know headstock design is a big deal and can take forever. Mine took me years. I also am a BIG fan of route-downs on headstocks like your's has... mine has 'um too. But PLEASE don't use the less traditional one. You have a nice guitar, and I'm sure I'm gunna catch flack for saying this, but sometimes when people are asking for advice you should give them honest advice, nice or not. That headstock (aka: all of them but the 'more traditional' one) is hideous. It's a mixture of styles, curve/straight lines, the works. It's all over the place. The "more traditional" one as you put it is a MUCH better choice. Do I think it's "done" no. But please don't put the other one(s) as you have a pretty good looking guitar right now, don't mess with that by over-trying to be original.

My $.02, whoever's gunna do it, please feel free to yell at me for being mean now and let's get this out of the way.


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The only problem with the more traditional one is I don't think It will work for 8 strings unless I mod it a bit more. But if I mod it to fit 8 strings It will end up looking more like that 3rd (mix) one but with a sharper top angle. I respect all of your opinions very much.. but the 3rd one has grown on me a bit and seems the most practical. It doesn't seem like its over the top like the 1st design does.. but thats just me. Anyways just curious of what parts of the 3rd one you don't like vs the 2nd? Also hopefully I will be able to sell these guitars but when I do I plan to be 100% custom when it comes to headstocks and body designs. Also that being said I am trying to appeal to the 8 string market which is a little less traditional to begin with.

Anyways you guys have been VERY helpful so far I will work on the 2nd (traditional) one a bit more and see if I can keep that slim profile (is that why you guys like it?) while making it 8 string ready. I'll try to get It posted up within the hour!

oh and verhoevenc youre right I do prefer honest advice! lol

Edited by Jayarpeggios
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I think we may be talking about different things. The more subtle design that you just posted a reworking of in the post above IS the one I liked. The elements about the other that I did not like it the tips at the end of the headstock as well as near the nut how one side of the overlay was a straight shot while the bass side sloped gracefully. Above you lost those "tips" and have the overlay near the nut sloping gracefully on both sides.

Give that one some more work, see if you can make it work for 8 strings. If you REALLY can't figure it after putting the needed work into it, then drop me a PM and we'll see is CAD might be able to help.


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I think we may be talking about different things. The more subtle design that you just posted a reworking of in the post above IS the one I liked. The elements about the other that I did not like it the tips at the end of the headstock as well as near the nut how one side of the overlay was a straight shot while the bass side sloped gracefully. Above you lost those "tips" and have the overlay near the nut sloping gracefully on both sides.

Give that one some more work, see if you can make it work for 8 strings. If you REALLY can't figure it after putting the needed work into it, then drop me a PM and we'll see is CAD might be able to help.


So I cleaned up those pictures a little bit and made it more clear on the names. Also added a new version of #3 with more graceful slopes. Does that improve it any? I really like the tip of #3 and want to somehow keep that but if thats not pleasing either either then I will focus more on the #2. Oh and thanks for the offer verhoevenc you are welcome to mess around with the design. As far as seeing if it will fit using #2 as an 8 string I'm going to wait on the sperzels because I'm not sure of the exact dimensions of those. Should be here this week or next week.

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YAY more work done! So I built a router table.. or I should say I made a router table into a more usable router table lol. Anyways got the truss rod channel routed out after that and carved the opening of it a bit to look nicer and what not. Snug and flesh fit!



This picture was before I carved the opening tho.


And the table router! I plan to connect that oak fence there to one side of the table so it can pivot from that point.. not needed but I love accuracy.


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