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Gibson Feds Issue

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Has anyone seen the news snippet about Gibson having issues with the Feds. Seems the Government thinks they are violating the law by having American workers complete work on fingerboard from Madagascar and India. They say that because the fret boards are sawn lumber, it somehow is against the law, and, that their troubles would go away if they let the foreigners do it. Now I ask you, how can this country stimulate a jobs program when the Fed constantly interferes with it's silly need to control all capitolistic endevours under it's thumb. It's Gibson man, this really hits home boys, let's make some real noise!!

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yeah, henry has been doing the rounds

whilst i do feel for gibson on this the real issue isnt about american politics - its about wood sustainability and i think henry should be trying to show willing on that front. they were a member of the rainforest alliance till this kicked off a few years ago, i wonder if he was pushed out! what ever happened to the series of alternative wood guitars gibson used to make - well players didn't really take to them did they!


it is pretty easy to get 'illegal' wood with the proper paperwork from some of these countries and that is something we should all be aware of. by demanding certain traditional woods we as guitarists are supporting illegal trade of these products. i am as guilty as the rest of you on this


it does seem to me that all gibson would need to do to get around the strange things they are accused of is set up a small shop in the country with a cnc mill to get fretboards closer to finished dimensions and possibly slotted before shipping them to nashville. seems like a relatively small investment to me

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