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Project Marilyn 2

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Marilyn 2 Guitar-

Vigier Marilyn copy Flame Maple/Cocobolo scrap neck attached to a super thin Khaya/Exotic Top body with hipshot parts and custom pickups.

Neck :Flame Maple/Cocobolo

Fretboard : Cocobolo

Scale : 24.75

Frets : 24

Trussrod : ALLPARTS

Body : Khaya (33mm)

Tuners : Lockers

Pickups : Custom

Bridge : Hipshot

Electronics : 1 Push/pull

What to do with a neck blank I can not use for customers? Well I am going to try another Marilyn. Last time I used a 25.5" scale and a big headstock. Bad idea. The first one was not balanced at all. This one we are using a 24.75 scale and a much smaller headstock. Also moving to a deep set neck instead of a neck through. Start with an African Mohogany core.





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I suspect that you will have to point out your neck "flaws" before anyone sees them when this is completed. The rest of the build will completely overshadow them.


Thanks SR.

I thought the pictures showing the stain and the worm hole did a good job showing the flaws...

The other flaw is were the jointer bit the neck and chipped some wood near the bottom edge of the fretboard surface. I used epoxy to glue the board on and it filled the small gaps very well. So If you look close you can see a few small gaps between the fretboard and the neck near the 12th fret on the treble side.

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I suspect that you will have to point out your neck "flaws" before anyone sees them when this is completed. The rest of the build will completely overshadow them.


Thanks SR.

I thought the pictures showing the stain and the worm hole did a good job showing the flaws...

The other flaw is were the jointer bit the neck and chipped some wood near the bottom edge of the fretboard surface. I used epoxy to glue the board on and it filled the small gaps very well. So If you look close you can see a few small gaps between the fretboard and the neck near the 12th fret on the treble side.

Oh you captured them well enough.

Your culls will still be many notches above mainstream stuff. I predict someone will beg you for this and you'll end up being faced with the decision of wheather or not to let something not wuite up to your standards out of your sight.


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Oh you captured them well enough.

Your culls will still be many notches above mainstream stuff. I predict someone will beg you for this and you'll end up being faced with the decision of wheather or not to let something not wuite up to your standards out of your sight.


Yes you are probably right... usually in those instances I try to sell them locally. But I have a spot for this one ready on the wall as I absolutely love the Vigier Marilyn but can't afford to track down an original (I think they are reproducing them).

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I am also worried about the strength of the neck joint on this one... when I get done there will be an obvious weak spot on the heel.

I disagree. With that long tenon sandwiched between the body and top, you could get away with no heel and still have plenty of strength.


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I am also worried about the strength of the neck joint on this one... when I get done there will be an obvious weak spot on the heel.

I disagree. With that long tenon sandwiched between the body and top, you could get away with no heel and still have plenty of strength.


Yip. The Scott man is bang on the money. both times.

01) With the tennon you have there should be no problems with a weak neck join.

02) you can most likly kiss the gitir good bye when a potential customer plays it.

Everything Iv ever built myself that gets tried out by a customer ends up gone. you get the old " but I have to have it ! & you can just build yourself another one so easily " plea. then they produce the painkillers to help stave off the horror of loosing another of your personal geets, Usualy a few thousand Euro's. & its bye bye guitar.

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Thanks paulie and Scott... now I am gonna lose my baby. Oh well I will build another one next year.

I have to find a top for this thing... I think it is eBay time. Going to need a much longer piece of wood than usual.

I almost went with a bloodwood top and remembered I have to make Carnage II this year.

I thought about a purple heart top then I realized I like my bandsaw and my router and my sander.

I was also thinking about another piece of bookmatched mahogany for the front then dye the whole thing black. <--Leaning this way.

I looked at some black limba but it is too valuable for this thing.

I glanced at my Zebrawood and green (andyt) crossed my mind but I have plans for that later in the year.

With the cocobolo board maple will work for a top if I can find the right piece but it is so been there done that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My latest trick. I make sanding blocks from MDF and use spray adhesive to attach 220 wet/dry paper to them. When the paper wears out I throw them away. Better than spending several hours pealing paper off hardwood blocks with lacquer thinner.


Checking the depth of the slots.



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Looking at the tuners and the weight of the headstock I decided to thin it rather than just recess the tuners. Of course I taper my heeadstocks so I use the neck monster and a slightly tapered plate under the headstock to do this. I know seems like a lot of work but it is just how I do things.





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