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Anybody else have a chance to go to this? I went Saturday and walked around for 4 hours and didn't see everything. It was huge. There must have been 3 - 400 guitar manufacturers from Fender to Joe's guitars from North Podunk.

I saw Dick Dale (and his son), Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and a bunch of really talented players. If you ever have the chance to go, don't miss it.

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Is the NAMM show in the same place every year? I don't really know anything about it except that it's a huge show where guitar companies show new models. Is there a NAMM site? B)


You can visit your favorite web site and if they attended NAMM, they may have pics up, too :D

It's been in Anaheim for the last couple of years. I think they have a 4 year deal?

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Scott- You didn't miss much. The booth for your un-paying boss was in the basement (with all the other guitar cloners, namely Chinese companies), in the furthest corner from the entrance and escalators. It was absouletly dead over there.

I heard crickets as I walked by and saw "him" read my name off my badge. I'm sure he's still trying to figure out how I got in with that company. :-) Sometimes it pays NOT to be a complete prick 24/7. You can pass that little piece of advice on to him.

Lets close this thread up and go over to the big one that's here:


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