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First Guitar Build

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I filed down the sides of the frets and threw some strings on it to see how it played.

Much to my surprise, it played really, really well. No fret buzz, the intonation was nearly perfect without making any adjustments, the neck radius and string action feel great. The neck shape is just how I like it and the pine body/oak neck actually have an impressive amount of resonance. It is very loud when strummed compared to my other solid body electrics. Plus, it looks metal af.

I am very happy with how this guitar is turning out.

Edited by Lofteren
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I'm not surprised that it sounds good.

I end up setting most of my bridges or saddles fairly high on purpose.  I like a mid to low action, but I want as much string clearance from the body as I can get. I'm not a fan of TOMs but I do like the string clearance they give.


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It's all wired up now and it sounds great!! The pickups I got off of amazon for $20 actually sound really good. Believe it or not, they sound better than the SD buckers I put in my McCarty knockoff. 

It has a very beefy, heavy tone with plenty of sustain. Played clean, it has a nice, crisp tone that is slightly bright at the neck pickup and muddy at the bridge; decent but nothing amazing. When you throw some distortion on though this thing crunches and growls. It is definitely best suited for metal. 

There are still some problems with a few of the frets that I need to address (one of them came loose, 2 frets are causing a little buzz on the high e and the edges are a little sharp) and I also need to do a little more work on the nut. 

All in all, I am really happy with this guitar.




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So... I was playing it and all of a sudden the neck pickup stopped working. I took a look at the electronics and the top of the box style 3-way toggle had literally been ripped off. I have no idea how it happened but I guess I won't be ordering parts from that particular Chinese distributor any longer. 

I invested the 8 bucks in one from Seymore Duncan.

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This guitar plays and sounds great.

I am already on my second build and went in a completely different direction this time. It is hard to say what I would do differently because I built this guitar with very inadequate tools. I have since invested in a router, proper planes and rasps, a drum sander kit, etc...

In hindsight, I made the nut a little too wide. I wanted it a little wider than normal because I have really thick hands but 45mm was a bit much. Next one will be 43.5mm. I would use harder fret wire, I would bind the neck, I would get someone with a drill press to drill the holes for the tune o matic bridge and I would use better electronics.

Also, the low gloss tung oil finish leaves a lot to be desired. If I did this guitar again I would use lacquer and just not buff it out all the way or maybe use a satin lacquer instead. 

If I knew the guitar would turn out this well I would have used better wood. I fully expected my first build to be a useless pile of firewood. Luckily that was not the case.

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Oh I am sure you're right! I just want to get 4 or 5 guitars under my belt before I invest in some pricey wood.


Believe it or not, that pine from home depot has incredible tone to it. This guitar is about as loud as a semi hollow body when it isn't plugged in.

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