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Short scale bass truss rod

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Hey guys, 

For my next build I'm going to make a bass guitar, aiming to do a 30" scale. I'm a little unsure as to what truss rod to use. I know LMII do custom length ones, but the international shipping to Australia quadruples the cost; and I don't have the left hand tap and die required to make one myself (and they are stupid expensive)

I was planning on having the adjustment at the head end of the neck, but am open to heel adjustment if required

Looking at options off the shelf, the longest electric guitar ones will come in at 460mm, which lands the end of the truss rod just shy of the 16th fret. There is a Martin style U channel one that comes in at 580mm long that lands just beyond the 24th fret . I have found a 520mm option on Ebay which is goldilocks length to my eyes, but... to be honest, it just looks a little sketchy.

Is the 460mm one going to be sufficient for this application? Or should I heel mount the Martin one and have 24 frets plus some overhang? Or just chance the Ebay one?

Thanks in advance, everyone.


Links to the three truss rods below:

460mm: https://www.realparts.com.au/necks/truss-rods/guitar-truss-rod.html

580mm: https://luthiersupplies.com.au/martin-style-u-channel-truss-rod

520mm: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/254470536932?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1ZIxBsr7yS1uGhUilEZEUgw45&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-139619-5960-0&mkcid=2&itemid=254470536932&targetid=1395035668216&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9070485&poi=&campaignid=14475548384&mkgroupid=132282084371&rlsatarget=pla-1395035668216&abcId=9300653&merchantid=7364522&gclid=CjwKCAjw7--KBhAMEiwAxfpkWID_KH2D9ENkKCf2vIUDX2pWWsojYGBE8Fasd3ritXRcPLnpeBYlPhoCogUQAvD_BwE

Truss Rods.png

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What @curtisa said.

I've used or given to other builders half a dozen or more Chinese $5 ones and haven't experienced or heard any issues. Agreed, the workmanship isn't as polished as in some other makes but they look very similar to the (un)branded ones sold for $20 at luthier stores. Even the trained eye of our Master couldn't find any difference or immediate issues. Take the inexpensive one as it's of the right length and test the action properly both ways before installing to make sure the welding is solid.


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