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Greetings from a fellow Yorkshireman!

May all your guitar making be blessed with success.... may I ask what you are building and from what? If you haven't already ordered all your kit i'd recommend craft supplies and highlystrung.co.uk as good places to start. But I guess you probably already know that. B):D

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Thanks chaps, yeah I've discovered highlystrung and axesrus for some more bits, the rest is coming from good old ebay!

I've got two guitars in the pipeline. First is going to be a pretty standard stratalike, with a nice hot kent armstrong pickup (one humbucker in the bridge, nothing else). For this I've got hold of a cheapie strat copy body and a generic neck (I'm no where near good enough to start doing any woodword, I'm afraid), so I'm basically building a frankenguitar just to get the hang of the electronics, and what have you.

I also have a swamp ash soloist body and a 13 degree angled headstock neck ordered from warmoth, and that's going to be a real beast - I have that all planned out on paper. :D

The idea being, the stratalike is going to be my "stunt guitar" upon which I can make lots of newbie mistakes, and then by that time I might be in a position to make a really nice instrument out of the warmoth pieces.


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Welcome, hope you enjoy it here :D

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Wow, nice friendly place here. It's not the bread and dripping you have to worry about in Yorkshire, it's making sure you don't get whippet hairs in your finish.

Got some more bits today.... quite exciting, but rather daunting. I'm always reading about how other people build guitars, pitfalls they've encountered etc. and sometimes I think "Well, this can't be that hard, loads of people do it" and other times I think "crap, I've got no chance here - I can't even sand straight!".

My philosophy is to give it my best shot and if at first I don't succeed, try try again...

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Wow, nice friendly place here. It's not the bread and dripping you have to worry about in Yorkshire, it's making sure you don't get whippet hairs in your finish.


Don't worry, you'll be able to sand strainght by the time you're done. You need to get yourself a big level bit of wood B) I use a big old plane with the blade removed.

Have fun

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