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Exotic Head Stocks

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With the new Floyd Rose comming out in production with many different manufacturer's and no need anymore for tuners on the head stocks I'm begining to wonder what the shapes will turn out like on the new model's

I mean for the most part everyone could identify a guitar from a distance even from behind and it has always been part of the different manufacturer's status symbol's..........

Any idea's on shape's to come?

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I've not ever played a headless bass or guitar. The nearest I ever came was a Gibson RD Artist with the TP6 fine tuning tailpiece. That wasn't too bad, but I can't imagine being able to replace a snapped bass string during a song whilst playing on a headless instrument.. Managed that quite a few time when I was young, foolish and too broke to carry a spare bass!


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It is actually faster to change the new floyd strings, than any other style ever made. A single string can be added, and tuned, in less than 10 seconds. And that includes taking the string out of the packaging!!

I think headstocks will continue to stay. Where else are we going to put the brand names??

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I think headstocks will continue to stay. Where else are we going to put the brand names??

They might stay but they may also change, I'm just a little worried were going to see a bunch of Steinberger clones coming out of the wood work.........

Course a guitar with a round circle headstock could look silly too :D , It just give's all of the company's creativity back for changes in the future........

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Jackson came out with a Speedloader Soloist prototype not to long ago, same headstock just without tuners. I'd think that's the way most established companies would go (copyrights/trademarks can be lost thru non-use/failure to defend you know). Newer companies? Well, shoot, they're trying to figure out the last unused headstock shape anyway.

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I hate headless guitars, and I hate headstocks without tuners. I think that new speedloader will not become as popular as the Original Floyd Rose (recently I got one and I love it even if it's not mounted yet :D ), so hopefully weird-shaped headstocks will remain unusual.

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