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Check my schematic


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bigger pic of schematic


I think that I may have drawn this correctly (or close), but I was wondering if anyone could look it over and make any suggestions/changes/etc.

I think I labeled everything well.

3 Push/pull pots, and 1 regular pot (all 500k)

Volume pots (both push/pull) act as on/off switches for each pup

P/p tone is phase reversal

on/off/on (i think, or maybe it should be on/on/on) acts as a NorthCoil/Humbucker/SouthCoil switch (one for each pup)

1 overall kill switch coming right before the output jack. Actual setup will have an onboard LPB1 between the killswitch and the output jack (along with a stereo jack of course) so if anyone could show me how to throw that in to the mix I'd appreciate it.


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OK, let's try this:

  • Your pickup switches work, so long as they're ON-OFF-ON
  • Your phase switch doesn't switch the ground - the circuit is open in the reversed position (no sound).
  • You appear to have three kill switches, none of them wired correctly.
  • The push-pull kill switches don't switch anything as shown.
  • The main kill switch opens the circuit rather than shunting to ground, making the guitar a giant antenna for noise.

Other than that, it looks good - I'd just need a roadmap and a navigator to use it at a gig. :D Iron out those few problems, and it's a go.

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Looks like you've just about nailed it now - the only thing left to do is wire it up, and see if you like it. The only thing I would change would be to disconnect the ground on the individual pickup push/pulls - it's redundant, and could cause problems when only one pickup is turned on. HTH

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i wanted to do coil tapping. I want a tone knob for each humbucker. A regular 3 way switch like on the les paul, and coil tapping on each humbucker so a On off On switch on each humbucker. Now i just need an overall schematic of it if someone can help. Sorry about being pushy if i sem that way just overwelmed with chores before my brother goes off to IU in a week

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OK, one more time, monkey, and pay attention - first of all, print out this diagram:

2 Humbuckers, 3 Way Toggle, 2 Volume, 2 Tone

Then print out this diagram:

Humbucker Mods

Now, on the second diagram, go down to the third picture in the left hand column, get the scissors, and cut it out. Then go back to the first printout and paste the picture that you just cut out over the area that's marked Wiring for Gibson 4-wire Pickups, so you can only see the new picture. You"ll end up with something like this:


That's your complete wiring diagram.

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oh my god love kraft i love you. Not really but that exactly what i have been trying to do. At first you only gave me the second half. Sorry for your trouble. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. oh and part of the reason why i had trouble be fore is that my computer couldnt see the picture on the site for some wierd reason. :DB)

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