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Thoughts on floyd rose?

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I'll second the recommendation for a Speedloader. I have one on a Floyd Rose Redmond series and it is simply amazing. Abuse it and dive bomb all you want - you can't knock it out of tune. Changing strings is a piece of cake and to top it all off without tuners to worry about you can do all kinds of cool stuff with the headstock.


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I dunno If I put in the speed loader Id still prob put in some fake tunres just for the vintage look also I dont think I can get speedloader strings in Ireland so I would have to order them in all the time. And you cant down tune them with out some string changes and even then it is limited.

Also I like the TOMs feel with a stop bar especialy for resting my hand on it.

What is the best way to get a TOM with a trem?

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I have an ibanez s370. I think this has the licensed by FR logo on it, it's definately a floyd rose copy anyway. It used to stay in tune all the time, and if i don't use the trem it stays in tune for infinity!!!! :D .

I love it but it doesn't return to the zero point everytime i dive, or pull up on it. It's only 2 years old, the poor guitar must have got a lot of abuse B) .

Thanks to this topic i now think the posts must be worn because when I dive it will take about 3 secs of normal playin afterward to return to tune. After the talk on this forum i might consider an upgrade cause the guitar itself is class.

I would recommend a floyd rose tho, i think they are cool.

I am building a strat at the mo but i am puttin a standard vintage trem in it because I am building it to play some rock/blues, not heavy whammy bar stuff.

There are a few things I don't like about a FR. Changing the strings can take a while, especially if you change the gauge of your strings because you have to adjust the springs at the back. It's time consuming. On the other hand the strings rarely break, I just change them when they start to feel old, about once every 2 months.

Another problem is when you want to try out different tunings. Again this involves adjusting the springs at the back. I have never changed the tuning on my floyd rose guitar because it takes too long. I tried droping to D one time by winding out the fine tuner. It dropped to D no problem but all the other strings changed pitch as well :D It's too much hassel in my opinion to change tuning. A d tuna might solve this problem.

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I have an ibanez s370. I think this has the licensed by FR logo on it, it's definately a floyd rose copy anyway. It used to stay in tune all the time, and if i don't use the trem it stays in tune for infinity!!!! :D .

I love it but it doesn't return to the zero point everytime i dive, or pull up on it. It's only 2 years old, the poor guitar must have got a lot of abuse B) .

Thank you for confirming what I was saying.

The knife edges are worn out

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Also I like the TOMs feel with a stop bar especialy for resting my hand on it.

I have heard this before from people who have only played a fixed bridge most of there life. I don't really understand it though - do you actually rest your hand on the bridge while playing?

I guess I've just developed a habit of not resting my hand anywhere while playing. I think I actually keep one finger on the body just near the bridge pickup while playing so that whole thing about resting my hand has never been a problem for me.

I hope you're able to make some sense out of all of the opposing opinions on this. If you're plan is to have a versatile guitar, I'd still say put the Floyd in. If you want to disable it temporarily (or permanently), you can always block it.

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I don't see how a floyd rose is versatile. When it comes to alternative tunings the floyd rose isn't the best cause it takes that long to tune. I think the most versatile trem unit is the vintage trem thats on most standard strats. They can do a decent amount of dive(altho nowhere near the floyd rose) and you can easily tune them to whatever pitch you like without worrying about adjusting the strings at the back.

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I don't see how a floyd rose is versatile.

That's not what I was saying. If you want to be able to play songs that require a floyd, build the guitar with one. If you want to do alternate tunings, ... - just block the floyd with one of those trem-no gadgets. That way you can do whatever you want with the guitar. See what I mean?

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Ok so what types of non floating bridges are there that would stay in tune, are versitile and are somewhat like either the stop bar or a mustang bridge that I can use a tune o matic with. Apart from a bigsby.

And about resting. I tend to rest my hand on the stopbar and strings as far as the bridge.

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I have an ibanez s370.  I think this has the licensed by FR logo on it, it's definately a floyd rose copy anyway.  It used to stay in tune all the time, and if i don't use the trem it stays in tune for infinity!!!! :D

I love it but it doesn't return to the zero point everytime i dive, or pull up on it.  It's only 2 years old, the poor guitar must have got a lot of abuse  B) .

Thank you for confirming what I was saying.

The knife edges are worn out

sounds more like the setups gone out of whack

as will happen with any bridge

what type of bridge is it anyway? if it's the inferior trs trem then it's probably expected if it's an edge i guess it could be cos of age, if it's a lopro edge you have a great trem that isn't the problem lol....and i doubt if it's the new ones

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I think the most versatile trem unit is the vintage trem thats on most standard strats.....you can easily tune them to whatever pitch you like without worrying about adjusting the strings at the back.

Do you actually own one of these? cause factory setup they come in a floating position at some angle to the body, so they're floating just like a locking trem. and since they don't have the isolation of a locking saddle and nut they take even longer to alternate tune accurately, and yes you do have to adjust the springs just like on a "floyd" guitar if you're going to drop tune or what have you, unless you like having your bridge floating at the wrong place?

Alot of the problems people are stating can be solved by:

A. either installing the trem EVH style to sit on the top of the guitar


B. I can't beleive, (maybe i just missed it) no one mentioned the invention of the year, the TREMOL-NO it'll let all you picky players do exactly what you want with the trem that was previously impossible, yet still have that trem bar handy when ever you need it.

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Sorry to take it off topic a bit, but what are peoples opinions of the Wilkinson trems? I'm probably going to approach some people about having a custom guitar built, and i'm aiming for a fairly versatile guitar. Im not really happy with my guitar that has a floyd on it as far as versatility goes, however I do like to do some light trem stuff, so since i quite like the look of the wilkinson trems i was gonna look into one of those? A wilkinson trem with locking tuners and a graphite nut... comfort wise i usually prefer a TOM with string-through or a strat bridge, so im thinking i should be fairly happy with the wilkinson.


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