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Everything posted by killemall8

  1. Nothing like a crisp heel carve! And the body looks a lot better without burn marks.
  2. Thanks Pros! I have never used hipshots before, so i am kind of excited to get them. Regarding the roundover, Since the day i made the original template i had planned on doing a sharp 45* bevel around the whole thing. I had it all planned in my head and everything. Then i got ahead of myself and started the build before i bought the bit, and just decided to try it this way instead. Next time, bevel for sure. DO IT! You NEED more explorers and Vs! My lawn wont be green much longer. I give it another month before its brown!
  3. I forgot how hard it was to find good tuners for reverse headstocks. The only decent ones i was able to find were hipshots.
  4. Becuase you dont need to bend sides, do kerfing, more complex neck joints, and on and on. Plus you need many more tools and jigs you dont need for building electrics.
  5. Routing complete, Now the neck is being glued in.
  6. I have done that exaxct same thing before. And it was on the 2nd and last guitar i ever did with SS fretwire. I had to use a dremel.
  7. Thanks Scott. I actually didnt notice the other one around the waist! I got it mostly routed. Just need to do the control cavity.
  8. Those joints look like the biggest pain ever. I would never wnat to do it.
  9. I know almost nothing about building acoustics.. But i will say, I have built electrics non stop for 7 years straight. And pretty much everythign involving an acoustic is much harder.
  10. Thanks Scott! I mainly chose it because it points in the same direction as the lower horn, and looks almost the same.
  11. When i had first started building, I had always tried making the thinnest possible necks, thinking that was the best. I made a few that were in the .79" range, and a few a bit thinner. I quickly realized that it was not nearly as comfortable as a more round, medium shaped neck. I also prefer a neck that doesnt taper as much in thickness. I like it where its almost the same thickness to the heel. Neck carved:
  12. I have made a few that were a bit thicker in the past, and they felt good also. I feel like the shape of the neck makes a lot more difference than the actual thickness. I Have made some that were around .89" that felt extremely thin, due to a more flat shape. This one has a little bit more of a flat shape to it as well, but came out feeling a little thinner than i wanted. It still feels good, but could have been a hair thicker.
  13. Thanks, I am glad i kept some of this paduak! I usually leave about 3/16" behind the nut. I use a big volute, and really dont make very thin necks. They are usually about .85" at the first fret. I am sure on rock maple or super hard woods you could get away with less.
  14. Those look like the ones i have been using for a few years. Where did you get them? If they are, they are GREAT truss rods. I liked that they were completely shrink wrapped and like you mentioned, the housing that the adjusment nut is in. And they are less than half the price of a stew mac one. I buy them in packs of 5 at a time.
  15. That is my thought exaxctly! There is nothing i hate more than an obvoius joint between 2 same woods. So why try to hide it, when you can put a matching wood in there, and get the best of both worlds? Those would have been great to have! Too bad you couldnt snatch them up. I just got the fretboard trimmed flush, and the board radiused. Going to fret it now.
  16. I am pretty sure they overlap in pressure. I have put smaller ones between them, and it did not seem to squeeze out any differently. I am very confident in it.
  17. Nice looking neck blank. I like flamed necks that have the curl at an angle like that.
  18. I agree. New clamps are insanley expensive. Flea markets and yard sales are the way to go. My dad just got a huge box of smaller ones the other day for like 5 bucks. They are perfect for when i glue my veneer on the bodies.
  19. The only thing i dont like is the font that says when the post was made is almost impossible to read. <edit: fixed...>
  20. RAD, I wish i could find more of them. My dad bought them at the flea market years ago, and they have out lasted all my other ones, and are all solid steel. They are hard to beat!
  21. Thanks Like i said, I guarantee this presses and clamps tighter than using a bunch directly on the fretboard itself.
  22. Alrighty, So it was indeed the bearings. I blew them out with the air compressor and cleaned them and re oiled. Works better than it ever has now! So i got the fretboard cut and just glued it on. NOW, Before you say there are not enough clamps... The piece of wood i used as a caul is about 1 1/4" thick. With those big clamps on there pressing that piece of wood, it presses it tigher than liek 20 clamps would do directly on the fretboard. It bascially becomes a press.
  23. The mice live in my tablesaw. The badsaw gets used too much for them to want to stay in it. That actually reminded me, there used to be an owl that lived up on my top wood rack for a while, since in the summer we leave the side door open. I kinda miss that owl.
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