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Everything posted by ansil

  1. I started thinking a while back when i was over at keeleys site and then when i saw Jack Orman do the the Tsunami pedal. I am still new but i wanted to help. I have two people using my pedals so why not ask them to get a blank one signed and auction it off to help the Hurricane Releif Fund. Nearly a month ago i sent out the pedal to get it signed. Well i go the pedal back from the tour. Faithfully signed as i was told it would be, by some of Country Music's Biggest Stars. But I started thinking, No one from harmony Central got back to me [originally were going to have them auction it] and i dont' know how many people will see it on ebay. So i emailed Guitar World and asked them if they would host the Auction for Hurricane releif. So everyone keep your fingers crossed i am hoping this will help out the families of those caught in all the turmoil. Special thanks goes out to Mary Chapin Carpenter George Jones Lyle Lovett Slick Doug Stone Shooter Jennings Sammy Kershaw Allison Krause Lori Morgan Jerry Reid Keith Stalcup Drexell and Also to Dog. Dog man you made this happen with the artists My hats off to you. ed sorry if this is in the wrong place okheres the scan of the back of it. still waiting on someone with a digital camera
  2. oh yes i know but the guy is already geting sued and i have proof voice mail of the sectretary and the fact that they gave us the mail back after they opened it and had it for a week or so. finger prints dont' lie
  3. yeah man sorry but dude Vai was my hero man and i have followed everything about his rig since i can remember. however not in his evo guitars but you rem the guitar he played with zappa the old hendrix one it had a booster in it. with a dimarzio x2n as well which i though was quite over kill an x2n and a booster. well anyway. no man theres no booster in evo however if i rem correctly evo wasn't used on the recording of that song. it was a real strat from what i rem. but its been what a decade since that song came out. ??? but if you want somethign t give you some grind man just drop a push pull pot in your axe with an lpb1 it will give you volume increase as well as a little dirt. http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/diagrams/lpb2_sc.gif
  4. Hey Lk i got some of them WereWolf proof guitar cords man if you want to try them out. lol Sorry folks inside running joke with me and Lk.
  5. what pickups are you using. did you check the pickups to make sure they had the same wiring code as the ones you included in your link i realize you said you checked the wirign but alot of times i find that i just didnt' double check the pickup itself instead of going on instinct now i always check the pickup itself. i messed up a guitar once because new dimarzio's are supposed to be blah blah blah.. well guess what this one was made on a monday i guess cause it was wrong........
  6. no offense but i think you hit the problem right on the head with the molded ends comment. that right there deters me from using any cable. i have seen no molded end cable that was worth anything.
  7. actually i found a way to get them here cheaper. and so far its working. i will let you know once i get the first batch. i have a friend over there who was sending me stuff. and at less than a dollar each.. and i am getting well over 25 switches per parcel.. they have a similar flat rate mailing package as well over there according to our friends. will keep you posted right now might be moving the land lord stealing the mail is getting old and we are trying to recoup the lost buisness and prts. ed
  8. hmm midrange notch filter?? a simple 6db drop per octave would put it down to about the same level again wouldnt' it.
  9. hey lk what do you say we go in on an order from our buddy in hong kong here. interested
  10. well you could use it inline on all the time simply as a buffer to make your v amp work harder. that way when you turn down the vol knob on your guitar [this is assuming that you do this.] the v amp doesn't spit sputter and cough or gate out. however the vamp isn't as bad as some of the other ones. personally i am almost done with my v amp mod. converted the entire preamp and poweramp to tube. :D so far i have the preamp done and that was the hardest part.
  11. what do you want to do ith the sd1. its basically a modified tubescreamer already. so i mean which way do you want to go with it. however bias it may seem but boss pedals aren't that bad if you are willing to take the time and care ot make sure you have a good one or just mod straight from the box. I think thats alot of what people are missing now days. Most people are getting into Modifiying pedals because lets face it, it is fun and for budding electroncis people and for seasoned builders its kind of the trendy new things. i have an old EE professer who had always told me it was better and easier to just go and buy a louder amp or one with more distortion. and now he is modifying pedals. for me i got into this game because it lacked what i wanted it to do. I have had nearly every pedal boss has ever come out with up until recently as well as dod i mean when i was 16 and i got all the catalogs from the music stores i started hitting pawn shops, junk stores [where i got my first Ross Distortion pedal btw for .25usd] flea markets and garage sells all before ebay and such. so i have heard most of the old tricks as well as the new. after a while i stuck with my rack units until i hooked up with a guy who showed me all these cool botique pedals. i played a blues pearl perplexed. was my first pedal that was not boss or dod or such. and i was blown a way by the tone and the fact that i could look at it and reverse engineer it. then i got to see the lpb1 that he made on a etched board from there i was hooked. so now fast forward through trial and error as well as schooling and i do this for a living as well as do repairs. i guess the point of this over inflated reply was basically this. What do you want to do with it.??? basically its a gain device. you can add more to it or take some away. true bypass it. make it self oscilate. make it have some sort of envelope control. but some hearing aid micro tubes in it. and use either a dedicated dc power source or use something to ramp up the voltage a bit. [24+v] replace all the caps with box caps or with all metal film replace the resistors with 1% metal films. there is a mod site on line that has a list of mods for the oc-3 i will see if i can find it. for you. you can try my trick for the sd1 take the second opamp stage and use it as a mini driver for one of those radioshack transformers that we use in the octavia style circuits. and a tiny micro speaker. couple this with a second transistor stage to drive the next thing in the stage and you get a whole differnet but quite usable beast. btw the above isn't a rant at you its simply a thing to keep anyone in check tht wants to start modifiying anything. personally and i know a few people who agree to mod just for mod's sake ie no tone or extra feature that makes getting sounds easier. is really just not worth it. but again tahts my .02 ed
  12. i have been doing a lot of acoustic work lately. and one thing that has helped me out greatly. and go ahead and get ready to laugh. but i just installed a speaker in my acoustic. it has a phase switch [normally out of phase.] i run a signal from the piezo to the preamp to a secondary amp[housed on one of my stock boards for the overdrives i build] and i get a really nice acoustic sound. i have to completely re do the eq from what i was used to, but now it has an ethereal type sound and dramaticaly cut down on my feedback. although i havent' thought about why till now. anyway. my .02
  13. well how do you want it laid out. what i gather from your post is that you want. to have a pos for humbucking pickup a pos for parallel pickup a pos for neck pickup and a pos for some combo of the above. is this correct. if so let me know and i will draw up something for you. unless someone on the forum beats me to it. ed
  14. Glad to hear that there is a difference in tone. that amp is a good one in my opinion. whatever that is worth.
  15. however they do make some inline ones that are backwards form what you shown. 1/2/3/H H/3/2/1 although they are not as common but i have seen them in a cheap yamaha strat copy
  16. i put a lace in with my other strat pickups. with the 500k it was brighter than the other pickups.. wicked bright. however it did work nicely for chicken picking. but it was nearly useless by itself. sounded like a dimarzio when i put it witht the middle pickup.
  17. what tone exactly are you looking for. thats a very versatile head. man. they had one at the music store i worked for some time ago. i was going to buy it but i was short of cash at that time. I mean slipknot it isn't . but if its functioning properly it has ample gain. and i found it quite nice. but it depends on what you are looking for. have you checked to see if any of the tubes are microphonic cause if they are it could alter the tone.
  18. if you are willing to use an xlr cable. you could always use it to carry power. and have a stereo guitar jack xlr to stereo adaptor. or a specific box housed on the guitar strap like a wireless unit. with a stereo patch cord could carry all the power and audio.
  19. might i suggest a push pull pot. or even a push push pot.
  20. well just for starters i would say it isn't properly grounded. do you ahve a multimeter. if so set it for continuity and hook one end ot the ground and check the bridge. more than likely the solid core wire has broken going to the bridge or it has come off somewhere along the way.
  21. the idiot wah is real nice and you can implement different values to change the range. however you can put a small little route behind the bridge and sheild it and drop a regular wah in there i haven't had any trouble.
  22. someone had this in a thread but i couldnt' find the thread anymore. cheers.
  23. not true not true.. you could add an onboard 1 transistor or mosfet booster. that could help out quite a bit. actually. you could take the pickups add in passive notch filters. put in a small radio shack choke to help cancel out hum.. add in a little drive from a preamp and some eqing and have some better sounding pickups. all for about 5usd. and some work.. or yes.. just buy new pickups.
  24. true true. but you are looking at the amount of signal you need to feed back into a microphone. how do you intend to power it????? and lets not forget the signal splitting. guitar to mini amp to tube to mic. to xlr to board. or the other endless ways. mic to transformer to buffer to stereo guitar cord. or perhaps just into the amp itself.
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