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Everything posted by Jivin

  1. Wes is one of the most experienced people here with regard to EMG pickups, so its little wonder I think he is right on this. The EMG 85 would be most suited to what your after I think. Only owninng one guitar now with EMG's I dont have the greatest of experience, but it seems to me that the EMG 60 is a bit punchier and middy than the 85, which makes it a bit of a different beast really. The way I see it is (and this is pretty messed up probably) that if I had an all mahogany guitar I would probably give thought to the EMG 60 or EMG 60A in the neck, however for almost anything else, I would be going the EMG 85. So in the end... despite not being entirely sure on the properties of basswood (assuming thats whats in your RG), I would say your looking for the 85 and not the 60 anyway. Edit: Also, on second thought (and your going to need some more advice on this from someone like wes or others), you will probably find the going a bit tougher again since you are looking for a pickup that will do an equally good job of Jazz and Metal... especially in the EMG range, of which im not sure of hte popularity with Jazz players? Not knowing enough about jazz to judge, but do jazz players use single coils commonly? If so maybe the EMG 89 might be a path to consider - it is basically an 85 humbucker and the SA single coil in one humbucker sized casing.
  2. for someone who says "back in the day" you certainly don't seem very wise Both the bridge and neck positions have their place, all depending on what sort of sound ou want to get... Im a metalhead, but im by no means a bridge pickup spam as you put it, and i certainly don't think the bridge pickup has no balls, its all balls, its got HUGE balls When it comes to metal, using the neck pickup for most crushing metal mayhem is like trying to go for a jog in quicksand... get up on the pavement man! your too narrow minded - accept you use different things for different sounds... neither one is better or worse
  3. Im not sure of the specifics, but im pretty sure the 2nd one has some sort of preamp that you run through regardless of what mode your in? So I dont think the first mode is actually a true bypass.... but hopefully someone else can clear that up. Either way i've heard great things about both of them, and Guitarfetish is great to deal with also. Let us know if you get one!
  4. Its probably way too late now, but a mate of mine got his 100w combo at the same time as me, only he picked up a 2nd hand Fender Roc Pro 1000 in used but not abused condition, and I am seriously jealous. Its been years since then, but his amp sounds brilliant clean and it has a -very- satisfying gain section. I however went with a great deal I got on a Kustom 100w combo with 2x12" speakers - It sounded heavenly clean, but the distortion was weak at best, but since I run pretty well exlusively through my GT6 Pedalboard that wasn't really my concern. If you run through effects then at the end of the day a well built product with decent speakers is really what your after, and you could be pretty confidant the Marshall MG will have that covered, so I wouldnt worry - however there is a certain satisfaction to be had in owning and amp that you know can really rip **** on its own When I do make the move to a proper Amplifier head, I wont be skimping... Randall Warhead X2!
  5. it must be - cause your one of the first people ive heard of who is going to deliberately seek out a standard strat trem for doing divebombs? I'm pretty out of touch - newer strats have a 2 point syncronised tremolo now though dont they? Didn't mean to take a dig, I just didnt see the logic - feel free to explain it to me though.
  6. lol, well were definitely going to have to disagree on that one. Yes Queensland is pushing harder than most places in the world to remove smoking from congested public places, but that doesn't change the people and a very large percentage of smokers are jerks, and still leave their foul odour trail all through the place I think I agree with your point and where you were trying to go, but i doubt we are the opposite of the states. I know people who get upset when they are told not to smoke around my beautiful 8mth old neice - and these people are meant to be relatives who care for her. A lot of smokers just cant help lighting up, regardless of where they are, and although our rules here have stopped a lot of the annoyance, there is still a fairly large number of idiots who smoke in movie theatres, on trains, in the non-smoking section of a footy game, in non-smoking resteraunts... ect... its crazy! On topic though, id heard of that Simple Green stuff Drak mentioned, and ive heard the results were excellent - so its worth a shot at least.
  7. Legacy for sure The Destroyer looks too much like a beast (?) with the back changed a bit. The Deathviper is ok... but I prefer the Legacy - I remember when you were designing that one and i liked it back then... nothing has changed However I think the headstock could do with some tweaking
  8. go dave! awesome guitar eddiewarlocks warlock was my second choice - top work man!
  9. Not much mate. Depending on how he packages it up, anywhere between $10US and $30US. Also depends a bit on what options you choose in shipping (express, insurance ect). I just had an EMG ZW sent from the states express for $30US... and that was probably a bit on the expensive side, to give you an idea. So your looking at what, around $50US per humbucker from memory? + maybe $20US postage at worst? Thats only about $100NZ, which is without a doubt at least $40-75 cheaper than you will find the Dimebucker locally.
  10. Just put a big "REINVENTING THE STEEL" down the fretboard
  11. Drak did an awesome Flying V with a cocobolo top on, and from memory that was some sort of high gloss finish - it looked sexy - Dan
  12. You know your looking at photos from the glory days when you see skinny guys in singlets Who is the other bloke in that photo with hetfield? PS: Man that Zakk/Dime/King album would have been bloody awesome! I seriously think they should get a bunch of quality metal outfits together and do a dime tribute.
  13. I would have thought common sense would dictate you would want as fewer peices laminated together as possible. I dont want to be quoted out of context, but all i mean is like, you would much rather a 1 peice body than an 8 peice with 8 laminations/glue joins ect ect ?
  14. A true master of metal has been lost RIP dude
  15. Justice by far! Justice is a masterpeice to me, Puppets and Ride the Lightening isnt far behind. Basically I'm a fan of the stuff that was less thrashy, but before the load days. Call me what you want, but I like the Black album... it definitely sounded more 'poppy' and rounded in its sound, probably mainly due to what Bob Rock brought to the table, but its just solid and heavy and there is so many good songs on it. Cant say im much of a fan of the newer stuff, but there is still a few good songs in there.
  16. You don't happen to know Darryl Summers do you... an ageing Australian ex-TV show host? I think you two get your jumpers from the same place hahah Seriously though, you picked an awesome guitar to make, I absolutely can't wait to see your guitar completed. Good luck! - Dan lol, I just have to say this; but I don't think i've ever seen you suggest anything but a clear finish, or think a peice of wood is anything but too beautiful for a clear finish Nothing wrong with that of course, I just had to mention that. Nothing like a bit of oiled Basswood
  17. Awesome guitar man! I love it One thing though... maybe its just me, but it looks like the pickups have been routed ears and all but you haven't used pickup rings? Its only me nitpicking, but I think it makes it look a bit messy in that department, I would much rather see some pickup rings... chrome haha Regardless, for what its worth, I love that guitar. Cheers, - Dan
  18. I am almost positive they are blades Thats about all I can help you with sorry
  19. My vote goes to Perry.... very awesome guitar. If I could have voted for two I would have also voted for the Acoustic by CGHBuilder - that is one fine peice of work also. - Dan
  20. Awesome guitar the Beast is my fav bc rich guitar, but that one is a sexy guitar
  21. yeah, i want my writing in pink I'm pretty sure there is markings or a sticker on the underside of the pickup somewhere... so you could most likely find out that way if it was of importance to you
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