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Blues Tribute Group
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Everything posted by bigdguitars

  1. I guess the ones that I have played I just was not happy with them. Also some of the ones that I have seen come in for work at my buddies shop are just in bad shape, don't sound good and all that. Maybe its the abuse factor. I have seen some fenders and LP's trashed but sound good, but when I have seen trashed prs's they are in bad bad shape. It could just be the ones that I have played too. I also think that its crap, kids have the vision that a PRS is the ideal guitar. I used to think that it was a great guitar all nice and shiny and in playing a couple I just was not impressed. A shinny/pretty guitar does not make it a better guitar, I guess is what I am getting at...
  2. When I think of a great guitar I think of value. I want a guitar that sounds good and feels good. I have never owned a PRS because when I have played them I never thought that they were worth the money that people were asking. Just because its worth more money does not mean it will be a better guitar. Whats the point of a really pretty/expensive guitar when you like something else? thats my point of view at least.
  3. I was at guitar center the other day, and this kid comes up to me as I am looking at a used PRS and he goes to tell me that PRS's are the nicest guitars out there today. I gave him that once over look, and said, leave me alone. I could not figure out why they push PRS's so much at guitar center. I have come across some PRS that are PRShit... Does PRS have a deal with GC? They do have the nicest quilted tops, consistently, but... I personally like LP customs. any thoughts?
  4. yes, if you use a 100k pot you will get a really warm tone, 250k less warm, 500k beefy, 1 meg hot, 2 meg hs hot, clicked out pots full hotness of pickup.
  5. If you find wood it needs to be cut and then dried for about a year or so... Wood needs to be around 5% humidity to be stable. I have started to look for trees that have been cut down in my area, but I would need a trailer. Most flammed woods come from older trees, that are dying. Also spalted woods come from sick trees that are infected.
  6. I suck, if its not blues based in e I am out... limited playing time, but when I do, I sound ok. Although I think I would be great at rythm guitar... I can hold a beat
  7. just bookmatched the nicest piece of flamed purple heart, listed it in an auction. 10% discount on this piece if you win it on ebay... pic: please bid so I can start my next guitar!!!! ebay auction
  8. looks like ash? find a piece of swamp ash is that? Nice to see a youngin doin some good work! I would get a dust mask. Even though you are not power sanding, the dust floats in the air and can really knock you around. Very cool work, look forward to seeing the neck!
  9. I sure did I gave them 5 varitones back in March. I had just gotten a review in TC guitar and I wanted to push my site as hard as I could. I only really post in the tools section, cause Bill Moll knows a lot about that stuff. Although since I was hammered a couple of days ago, I have lurked there more... what it really costs to build a guitar... Maybe a pinned post of what it costs to build a guitar, from tools to wood. Something simple, but would give someone an idea, I think the summer months have allowed the teens to run free.
  10. Also you hear people making thier pickups hotter by adding a 1meg pot instead of a 500k pot. Less is bleed off, by the same principle before. For Reference Fender uses a .047uF ceramic chip cap
  11. sealed, the action is not the same, but those gibson switches are a piece of crap, at least the epiphone replacements are...
  12. the table saw method would wood for sure, just make sure the base is secure cause a 48in piece is very heavy. If you have a cabinet shop by you, they have a planner and could get it down to the 1 3/4. Although a 2 inch body would work too. a little heavier
  13. just dropping a body from waist high wrapped in card board would not make it crack like that... good for you to say give me my money back.
  14. Ok flammed Purple heart, very rare, very nice. I just cut the board out and I am going to sell these on ebay. I wanted to offer some to you guys first. No BS on pricing or shipping just above cost edged on one side. If these don't sell I will resaw and place on ebay... I have had some of these sets go for 50+ All my wood is kiln dried and in great working condition. if you want me to resaw these i will get two .25 peices that are bookmatched. I charge 10 bucks for this... paypal me at orders@bigdguitars.com first come first serve. I will combine all three sets and ship too. Had a couple of questions on combining these three sets... 85 bucks shipped, a SIGNIFICANT discount. You can shoot me a PM too if you want. I have three sets Set A: 19.25*6.75*.75 30 bucks shipped - shipping will cost me at least 8. I have three sets Set B: 19.75*6.75*.75 25 bucks shipped I have three sets Set C: 26.5*6.75*.75 40 bucks shipped Thanks, Derek
  15. ahhh lol you are right I did better with stocks than with guitars... Although this is the best crack ever!!!!! I am going to puckup and sell other stuff. its worth it.
  16. Yellowheart is somewhat like purpleheart, from what I have seen. Paduk is very poplar too in guitars, boggs has made a couple, I have made one, Pau Ferro is used for fretboards and tops. Look at the warmoth showcase can see a lot of options there... Reddish wood you can go with paduk and then ebony?
  17. Hi All I am Derek I live in Naperville, IL. I have been playing for almost 15 years. Working on guitars for the past 3 years. Started building complete guitars from scratch last year. Have some templates made and still learning how to get all of this setup. I have worked in a wood shop for the past three years on and off, and experimented with a lot of woods. I really like hard open grained woods, personally I think they sound better than anything else that is out there. I run bigdguitars.com as a source to fund my building and its taken on a life of its own. i only post what I know, I usually avoid knocking people. Open Grained Hardwoods you should try: Satinwood Purpleheart Paduk Panga Panga
  18. details make the guitar. Enter that in the GOTM I bet you would win. I have not seen all of your posts, but what is sandwhiched in the middle? I thin piece of venner? -Derek
  19. I can get you a santos rosewood blank for 12 bucks shipped it has a little tear out, but once you sand it down you will be fine here is a pic.
  20. ummm no. not to offend anyone but paint it like a really brigth color, neonish color and put up a flag, of, very interchangeable here: poland(i am 100%), mexico, puerto rico, spanish, italy, irish, but they would paint it green, something wacky. BTW where the heck do you live to have an 1982 maxima in such nice condition? up here in chicago, that thing would have rusted out years ago... leave it do the camino
  21. Not a big fan of the shape... I like the choice of everything else. Seen your pics and look very very well constructed.
  22. ok my joe perry tele type. heck i sold the guitar but I do have some pics.... basics. Birdseye maple neck, maple top, snake skin finish. honduran mahogany pack. dimarzio dp 207 pickup with a custom gibson humbucker that I added a coil tap too. I will add more pics when I get to work...
  23. I paid 1075. I think that the guitar is worth at least 1300....
  24. Newbbies should read hisocks book before posting questions. If you are really serious then buy a 20 dollar book. Maybe we could do something like that. What a guitar really costs to build. I really stopped posting on MIMF, cause dep is a real crow, and the info was being repeated again and again.
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