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Everything posted by Gorecki

  1. You're fortunate your body is still a mean self repairing machine. Some injuries if treated properly can repair very well. Unfortunately some injuries are structure related and will become more symptomatic in time...bummer. I’m guessing many of us have some residuals from athletics. My knees have been shot for years, every time I squat they snap crackle pop like you wouldn’t believe, hurt during berometric changes..etc. Back in my foolish years while testing out for a black belt I crushed my left middle finger and because of the passion of the moment continued the test and the finger was nailed again separating the knuckle into three pieces. Ever since I’ve not been able to close that finger entirely, as when making a fist, the tip of your finger can touch the callused (sp?) area of that finger on the palm, more than a ½ “ gap remains. It took me a long time to make it so I could play painlessly and resulted in me playing better because it forced me to practice more. Guess my point is don’t use an injury as an excuse to not do something you love, make it something to be overcome. I’m another supporter of the Ibuprofen. My old dog who passed away a couple of years ago lived far beyond her expectancy and would have spent that time crippled if it wasn’t for Ibuprofen. I know it’s a dog but the affect on humans is the same.
  2. Extended fret guitars have been here, gone, back, gone, back...so on. This one's a RAND. Danelectro did the most obnoxious and did it first if I'm not mistaken. Most of them are barely fretable in those upper areas but they still exist.
  3. It will produce sound, almost all headphones are nothing more than a pair of non-powered speakers. In close proximity, this produces plenty of sound. It's also common that a headphone jack can be used as a line level output but variants of impedance can cause differing outcomes. The switch question: Yes, assuming the speakers are powered a switch can be mounted and wired either on the plug (no really a good idea) or the jack itself that will break the tip/sleeve connection that is created when the plug goes into the jack. If a switch is placed between the tip wire and the tip, you can break the connection even if the plug is in the jack. It could also need a sleeve lift as well, depends on how they wired it.
  4. I would certainly give this guitar a 10 for unique creation, especially the fretboard. The dullness of the colors including the turquose makes me think of New Mexico and related memories. I want to say I've never seen a guitar represent elements of a culture this well before (though my memory is failing these days) without crossing over into tacky.
  5. I use a modified 9-42 set and prefer lower action on ~12 radius but use 10-46 most often for jazz fat clean tones. Been tempted to bump up to 11's for jazz use because they do produce a fatter clean tone but is too stiff for me.
  6. Oh it is, but in my case why would I throw down $1,000 US to do what I already do now (ever so slightly better) with less sounds? As GF mentioned the GR-33's Alto Sax is simply awesome but I do use outboard equipments sounds a vast majority of the time.
  7. I don't know how much of this is hype, but we're hearing a lot about the AXON which uses a new improved method of guitar-to-MIDI conversion. ← The AXON is the best 13-pin tracking system on the market I've exprienced but for the cost (it is ONLY a converter you can't make sounds without another midi unit) is very expensive in contrast to a GR-33 comes fairly close if tweaked.
  8. Hhahahahaha... Thats totally me!! Black Pants, Black T-shirt everyday. Friends call it my uniform! ← I buy jeans that way and t-shirts a few times, 5-7 at a time!
  9. That's likely the result of a amateur video shoot. It's also likely the body being sprayed isn't the same one. Stuff like that can be amusing. Like in Dan Erlewine's Fretting DVD there is a point where he says "we'll let this sit overnight", video fade, theoretically the next day but he's wearing the same shirt and pants...granted he could be one of those guys who has 5 pairs of everything the same!
  10. Perfect!, so it's a left handed system with origin starting in the corner (likely no negative x or z used). I typically do that for 2D sprites but for 3D 0,0,0 is the center of the world. I could just model and then move it..duh. Gee, you can probably put a box around the model to size perfectly for the body blank needed if you want too? Ugh, I've gotta jingle 3DSMAX people and get my licence free'd from one of my old systems (like I said, it's been a couple years). Cool, tanx!
  11. I'm bone ignorant when it comes to CnC machines. A couple of questions if you don't mind? What coordinate system is being used (left, right)? Also, what (or I should say where) is origin? My first thought would be smack in the middle where the bridge will be on top of the top but I'm not sure. I haven't used my 3D Studio MAX in a couple of years and it sounds entertaining to model a body.
  12. Sorry to hear that. Maybe in the fall, this time pester him for a commitment and if he doesn't follow through...sue for damages!
  13. How would you go about that?
  14. And then again, I think that this 1st album was the best one ever from G&R. And alto you are right,(I had a frien tell me the same thing), I could say that the album was pretty good, under the standards that most glamour bands were playing at the time. ← It is a good album. 'under the standards'? More like under the influence!
  15. Nothing's wrong with them (well other than Axel), but break out there first album and try to set a metronome to anything, anywhere for more than 15 seconds. Their tempo is all over the place! That's what I ment by if your drummer doesn't have timing, you'll sound like G&R.
  16. Psss...I've never owned a metronome and I've been playing for over 30 years, I also started as a drummer before that and was the section leader for a competing drum corp. Old?..maybe....evil, you got dat right!
  17. You don't NEED a metronome, you can tap your hands and feet to a tune on the radio if timing practice is how it will be used. Certainly you can make use of one for practicing tunes or scales on your own but otherwise in a group environment, timing is a collective effort, starting with the drummer. If the drummer doesn't have good time..everything sounds like Guns&Roses!
  18. Ahhh, I never noticed this on that page before. "Les Paul, who still rocks weekly at the Iridium (NYC), is currently in the studio, recording a collaborative album with some of the industry’s greatest musical stars. The album is set for release this summer."
  19. I'd buy it in a heart beat but don't hold high hopes of it happening. I'm REALLY hoping someone has had the sense to record most of his gigs. A 10 CD BOX SET BABY...a guy can hope.
  20. I like the look of those as well, just pricy little buggers!
  21. I think you mean diameter (radius= center to outside, diameter =side to side ←
  22. Dangit, firewall won't let me see pic's.... Edit Later: Wow!
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