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Everything posted by litchfield

  1. reminds me a bit of a burns scorpion. Cool. How much did that neck run ya?
  2. I kinda like it. not my style, but cool anyway
  3. Thanks David. That helped tons. Now I gues I'll consider it foe a neck. I was thinking that anyhow
  4. My feeling exactly. Maybe a caribbean sunset, but not a carrieburst. However, would be downright beautiful
  5. What it sound like is one of 2 things: 1. I am mistken 2. Gotoh is making liscenced Tone Pros for Stewmac.This is likely, because my WD tonepros is different than the stewmac ones. Gotoh makes quality stuff. I wouldnt worry.
  6. I can get some pretty cheap out here.
  7. Tone Pros are made by shaller and marketed through WD. Where'd it come from?
  8. Yeah, I have decided to go to RV in the spring. Classes start Feb 7, 2005, and I am gonna go. I need the discipline and them skills. I think it will be a great investment.
  9. Go to Ric's site and get a pic. Then get a full size printout done at say Kinko's
  10. Nice guit, nice ride.My pops just bought a PTand it is damn nice. Dont like the stock stereosetup tho. BTW, is that a tremolno?
  11. cool, I can dig that, but I dont want it to be come something like "Only Participants can build a carriburst" I doubt it will, but I dont even want it being misconstrewed as such
  12. I thought Perry had entered, but apparantly not. And this post wasnt objected, so I thought we were still cool with that.
  13. I have been lookingat Tom Anderson's Tele's, and he leavesthe bridge pickup open, and it looks pretty slick. And, if I wind up no liking it, I'll just slp in a full sized HB
  14. seems right to me. Thatexplorer will weigh a ton tho
  15. well, it was the one peice that was that cheap. I am currently on another wood run, so I'll soon have more. Limba is $8.95/bf there too. Go to a lumberyard, not a specialy shop.
  16. *IF* I were to do that, that's how I would do it. But really, itmakes more sense to NOT alter the neck pocket. it the pocket isnt tight, scrap the whole plan
  17. More Andersons: http://www.andersonguitars.com/images/guit...01_10-29-16.jpg http://www.andersonguitars.com/images/guit...03_07-39-03.jpg http://www.andersonguitars.com/images/guit...03_05-53-27.jpg
  18. nope. I just thought youthrew your hat in the ring As far as competing in the best carrie compo, c'mon, take me on EDIT: Yes, pre-registration was neccesary
  19. Wal mart actually has it the cheapest I have found
  20. The bridge looks off to me, and before you finished it, the neck looked off center. Now I think it lines up, but the brigde looks off.
  21. As far as critcism goes, all is fine by me. Some of the inexperienced people may say something that isnt quite right, and I am sure it will be pointed out. Nitpickiness is something I need to get used to. If I plan to sell guitars, people will nitpick them apart before they buy or become a dealer. Now, Wes, if you were moderating, and I was stepping on toes, let me know
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