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Everything posted by syxxstring

  1. I think other people have had luck with bleaching out the dark streaks/evening it out. Search the forum for more info.
  2. Acording to my vinyl guy its about $10 a yard, on 50 yard rolls. You can usually find small amounts on ebay cheaply. Compared to regular sign vinyl its way epensive, for instance 120 10"x5" band logos cut and weeded were $50. I think someones working on a holoflash tutorial using vinyl too?
  3. The basses are notoriously heavy, I think Melvyn Hiscocks book addresses this as a design flaw. The originals with the bigger tuners would swing down and break the head off.
  4. Check out carvins neck through blanks, they may be the place to start. There is no reason a neck through v bass cant be done.
  5. I like the feel of maple boards way better. Itd really help to see the whole layout w/ the guitar body.
  6. I love that tele, If i weren't already married I might propose to it.
  7. Huh? Pretty darn close to the current Gibson shape. Nice and round, no points, just skipping the pickguard.(I think)
  8. I would refinish that as a whole, due to the set neck. You wouldn't want to try to join the already finished parts. Are you restoring it or doing something new?
  9. I agree, wes should get to attack anyone trash talking there with a pointy guitar. Which I believe would fall into our general rules anyways. They'd just have to be more in play there.
  10. After reading LGM's rant post and Soctts experience swirling, I think it would be good to add a Hall of Shame. The purpose would be to show projects gone wrong. Why? To provide fodder for taunting?(no) So we can discuss what went wrong and see other peoples problems before getting to deep in our own. Also with LGM saying he's getting emails to fix peoples mistakes this would provide some warning for thoose smart enough to learn from others mistakes. I also think this could add valuble footnotes to the tutorials. My $.02
  11. I think a guide to what method/materials have worked for different people on what guitars would be cool. For instance on many bodies i've had no luck with strippers(rg's with a factory finish,charvette) they just seem to make the finish get shinny and taunt you. But it worked great on my green speaker cab and yamaha with a matte finish. Anyone else think it would help?
  12. Is it a bolt on neck? If so then do it seperatley, othewise I'd do them both at once. If there are no neck join issues to be fixed. Pics always help with advice. Just a thought, if its a Gibson or guitar of value, the damage your doing to its resale maybe substantial. Your guitar and your decision but at least research that. I know when I have time that I can afford to have it down by black studio will become lockness green.
  13. I did that a few times with the black, not sure what stage this was taken at. I have to finish clearing it and then I'll post more pics. Didnt mean to offend, well maybe just a little, with the speed comment. Hopefully It wont give me cause to be stabbed by one of wes's pointy guitars.
  14. Im using the fullserve site to host it. Maybe its too big and needs reduction for you slow pokes.-Don't know what the issue was its resolved now? For the stain I used Minwax Ebony off the shelf at the depot. The speaker cab below it actually uses the same colors as the bsb tutorial, i think.
  15. Here it is after staining. I have to finish mounting hardware and decide on controls. Neck was screwed in last night. The pickup will be a duncan JB(I have one lying around). Probably just a volume and a switch or 2 for all the cool pickup options. I was gonna try the natural binding look, but i think its gonna end up being white moto binding.
  16. Or your crotch depending on how you hang... your guitar
  17. If you build the box sheilded it shouldnt be a problem. Your switches and such shouldnt be carrying any signal. IMHO You could greatly reduce noise by eliminating external cables etc...
  18. It would be a good way of transfering patterns to cut.
  19. I talked about this with my friend who is at robero-venn right now. He says they lurned about it more when shaping braces of an acoustic top. Basically to see what effect you were having on the how the top would work with you current brace configuration.
  20. bought it locally off ebay. its an rg220 b serial #c01074336. New style neck joint. PM offers trade or cash. I just need to reduce the random project parts around here. Has the string bar and truss rod cover no other hardware John Wizard II Nut Width=42.65mm Nut Thickness=19.78mm 12th Fret Width=52.10mm 12th fret Thickness=20.8mm 24th fret Width=56.62mm
  21. i have a bunch in my guitar room. Im thinking of getting slat board. i love it because my stuff is easily accessable.
  22. You didnt tell me it was cursed! I think i may need a refund.
  23. Ive cut some to make micro Rc Car chasis. What a pain in the.... Seriously you'll need special blades or tools to cut it. Maybe easier to mold but theres something entirely new to learn.
  24. no problem the whole point of this thread is to resolve holes in the tutorial. btw scott can you elaborate. I have a 7 string body im gonna try soon.(wonder where that came from)
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